Her Sixteen Year Old Wants to Begin Having Sex

Her Sixteen Year Old Wants to Begin Having Sex

For years, I listened to the Dr. Laura radio program. She had a lot of good things to say. Yesterday, on her Facebook page, she shared a conversation she had with a mother whose sixteen year old daughter wants to begin having sex since everyone else is doing it. Here is Dr. Laura’s response.

If she says everyone is having sex, then say:

“I want you to be the only non-slut in the group. I want you to be the only girl who can get to 25, meet a nice man and not say she’s had 15 humps with 82 guys so that he’s disgusted with you.

I’d like you to be the only one in your group who doesn’t get an STD and genital wars on your vagina and can give you cancer later on or HIV and can kill you.

I’d like you to be the only one in your group who thinks that sex and love should be holding each other with tenderness.

I’d like you to be the only one in your group who isn’t a pig.

I want you to be the only one who hasn’t killed a baby by having it sucked into a sink in a million pieces.

I want you to be the only one in your group not to think you can be a mother without an intact family around a child.

I want you to be the only one who doesn’t screw up a kid.”

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
1 Corinthians 6:18

8 thoughts on “Her Sixteen Year Old Wants to Begin Having Sex

  1. No, you can’t sugar coat something as serious as this but must speak truth and consequences to hopefully wake her up from her stupidity as many teenagers are involved in these days.

  2. Wow, is this the same response of a parent to a sixteen year old son? Thanks.

  3. Powerful. Blunt. Truthful. Thankful my 16-year-old daughter feels this way and doesn’t want to have sex.

  4. Well, no, because they can’t have an abortion and be a mother, but you could certainly change it up a bit and be just a blunt and truthful with a son.

  5. All of my children were convicted about saving themselves for marriage because we taught them to do this. It seems a lot of parents are afraid of their children and being blunt and truthful with them so instead they are foolish parents who given them “protection” which is no protection at all. Condoms don’t protect against disease, heartache, etc. but our children are not taught this. The only true protection is abstinence until marriage.

  6. Lori,

    Our Dr. Laura pulls no punches with anyone, does she? That’s exactly what we need today.

    That’s why your voice rings loud and clear as The Transformed Wife.


  7. Here you go for young men:

    “I want you to be the only non-slut young man in the group. I want you to be the only guy who can get to 22, meet a nice girl and not say you have had 15 humps with 8 girls so that she’s disgusted with you.

    I’d like you to be the only one in your group who doesn’t get an STD and genital wars on your penis and can give your wife cancer later on or HIV that will kill you.

    I’d like you to be the only one in your group who thinks that sex and love should be holding each other with tenderness.

    I’d like you to be the only one in your group who isn’t a pig.

    I want you to be the only one who hasn’t killed a baby by having your child sucked out of a girl’s belly into a sink into a million pieces because you got her pregnant.

    I want you to be the only one in your group not to think you can be a father without ever seeing the child you brought into this world or being a family to them.

    I want you to be the guy who other guys look up to and say “no to sin and yes to righteousness”. That just because it feels good one night, you are the guy who knows right from wrong and can help your friends not make the biggest mistakes of their lives.

    I want you to be the only one who doesn’t screw up a kid, because you know the God of the universe who lives inside of you has something so much better for you and your life.”

    “Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.”
    1 Corinthians 6:18

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