She Will Only Do Him Good – Proverbs 31:12

She Will Only Do Him Good – Proverbs 31:12

She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
Proverbs 31:12

The Proverbs 31 woman will “give him thanks for all the good things bestowed by him on her; will seek his interest, and promote his honor and glory to the uttermost; all the good works she does, which she is qualified for, and ready to perform, are all done in his name and strength, and with a view to his glory; nor will she do any evil willingly and knowingly against him, against his truths and ordinances; or that is detrimental to his honor, and prejudicial to his interest, (For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth – 2 Corinthians 13:8); all the days of her life; through which she desires to serve him in righteousness and true holiness; and to be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in his work” (Gill’s Commentary).

Gill’s Commentary relates the Proverbs 31 woman to her relationship with Christ. Wives are commanded to submit themselves to their husbands as unto the Lord and marriage is a symbol of Christ to His Church (His bride) so it makes perfect sense and adds a deep spiritual component to the entire chapter; for without Christ we can do nothing. All of our works are filthy rags but with Christ, we are new creatures in Christ and are ordained for good works.

She is consistent in her conduct towards her husband, always pursuing his best interests. All the days of her life; in good times or bad, in the early spring time of young affection, and in the waning years of declining age. Her love, based on high principles, knows no change or diminution” (Pulpit Commentary).

She is not led by her emotions and feelings or PMS. She knows the truth of God’s Word and has made the decision to live by it instead, because she truly believes that she can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens her and that the joy of the Lord is her strength. She trusts God to fulfill His promises to her and knows that His commands are not burdensome, as His Spirit works mightily within her.

The old commentator refers to the conduct of St. Monies to her unbelieving and unfaithful husband, narrated by St. Augustine in his ‘Confessions,’ 9:9: ‘Having been given over to a husband, she served him as her lord; and busied herself to win him to thee, revealing thee to him by her virtues, in which thou madest her beautiful, and reverently amiable, and admirable to her husband” (Pulpit Commentary).

For all of you who are married to unbelievers, this is your God-ordained way to live in front of your unbelieving and unfaithful husband. Instead of keeping your eyes on him and his sin, keep your eyes on things above, where Christ is seated and get busy learning of Him and His ways. Allow His Word to permeate and change your mind and thinking. This will, in turn, change your behavior.

You will find the peace that passes understanding and joy unspeakable. You will have the power to walk in newness of life in front of your husband and he will want what you have. How can a man not be attracted to a joyful, kind, and patient wife? Trust God and His ways while you rest in Him and continue to do your husband good all of the days of his life even when he doesn’t deserve it. All the good you are doing for him, you are doing for Christ, and the Lord will reward you.

2 thoughts on “She Will Only Do Him Good – Proverbs 31:12

  1. Greetings Lori,

    I’m curious about the rest of Proverbs 31, where it encourages women to purchase land, work in the fields with their hands, deal in profitable merchandise, etc.

    Would these things not count as work/a career?

    I appreciate your response.

  2. I will get to these verses in a few weeks but I can tell you one thing, she wasn’t a career woman who worked for a boss many hours a week and left her children in the care of others. She bought a field, not many fields.

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