It’s Always the Man’s Fault…

It’s Always the Man’s Fault…

We live in a culture that is so feminized that whenever a marriage is in trouble, the husband is to blame and some type of abuse is the reason. Take the Kendrick brother movies. It’s always the husbands who are at fault.

Here’s something one woman wrote on my social media?

“The woman that made the greatest impact on me was physically abused by her husband. She had a legitimate case of abuse. She was the gentlest, sweetest, most forgiving, and godliest woman I have ever met. Her husband was a heroin addict who was constantly delusional and would sometimes point a gun at her head. That’s true abuse! But most women’s stories are not like that. If a woman is in that kind of situation and her life is at risk, she should seek help ASAP. I think very few people on this forum would deny this.

“At my husband’s suggestion a couple of days ago, we sat down to watch Fireproof. We had seen it many years ago. About five to ten minutes in, l asked my husband if we could turn it off and watch something else. I just couldn’t stomach how the wife was being portrayed as being abused by a hot-headed husband. It makes me cringe that these movies are passed off in the name of Christianity.

“The things the husband was upset about was that there were no groceries, she didn’t cook, she worked an outside job, and she had very little respect for him. He also had his own issues. It’s sad that for many years our society lived on traditional values of women grocery shopping, cooking for their family, and not working outside the home and now, when a man expects his wife to be the homemaker, many women scream abuse and male chauvinism. So sad.”

What’s incredibly sad is how few women are actually being taught how to be good wives. They aren’t learning or being modeled by their mothers. They aren’t learning it at school or at church. They’re learning the complete opposite. They’re learning that everything is the husbands’ fault and makes everything the husband says and does abusive. Women are faultless.

Well, I found this not to be true when I began mentoring women years ago. First, they told me was how bad their husbands were. Then, I always asked them what kind of a wife they were. Not one knew anything about being a good wife. I wonder if there’s ever been a time in history when older women on a grand scale were teaching younger women what God commands they teach.

When you mentor women, remember that there are always two sides to the story. Never recommend divorce. If they are being physically abused, help them escape ASAP, although many don’t want to escape unfortunately. For the rest, teach the biblical principles on becoming the wives God calls them to be. Help them to see their fault in the marriage. Remind them that this is a spiritual battle. Satan likes nothing more than destroying marriages and families; for these are the foundation of strong churches and nations.

Let them know that they are only responsible for their own behavior, not their husbands. Always point them to God’s Word. They will reap what they sow. This is an eternal principle. Help them learn how to sow good fruit in their marriages that will build them up rather than tear them down. Meet consistently with each other if you can. They need someone to encourage them and give them wise counsel in their battle.

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
1 Peter 3:1,2

3 thoughts on “It’s Always the Man’s Fault…

  1. It’s not just Kendrick brother movies that portray husbands and men in this way. All movies and television shows do too. Hallmark movies are some of the worst.
    I’m going to call you out on something. In this post you stated that you watched the movie Fireproof at your husband’s suggestion. That comes across as you are blaming him for a bad choice in movie. You said you ask him to turn it off as though he didn’t have the wisdom to see it was putting the husband in bad light and would’ve continued watching if you had not ask to turn it off. I would have left that info out so not to make my husband look bad.

    Read it again, Tamara. I didn’t write those words. They were from a woman on social media who wrote them who wants to remain anonymous. My husband would never ask to watch that movie! Lori

  2. I agree concerning many or most Christian films. Seems most Pastors today pander to women from the pulpit. Often quoting women’s emails to them. Seldom if ever are Pastors teaching masculine Christianity in support of husbands, fathers and grandfathers leading, teaching, and planning for their home, family, etc. Men are bashed, made fun of, stupid, … “He may be my head, but I am the neck and shoulders who control the head!”.

    My wife reads her bible every day yet argues vehemently in opposition when scripture disagrees with her will. Yet, she wants to establish a women’s bible study group in our home! She has studied book after book in group study yet the very books she reads to supplement and support scripture she praises and shares with others yet they have no sanctifying effect upon her heart. I won’t encourage her to have access to teach women as this would be a disservice to these women’s husbands. Her girl friends are impressed with her bible knowledge, however have no idea how she fails to apply that which is of Godly Womanhood, a “Quiet and Gentle Spirit, … submissive, reverent, obedient, a “Titus 2” mature womanhood able to teach and instruct younger women by words and example. None the less, I love and care for her and shall never forsake her!

    Jerry, See if she will read Created to Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. She needs it!

  3. I have that book, as well as: Excellent Wife by Peace, The Fruit of Her Hands by Wilson, True Woman, Biblical Womanhood, and others by Nancy DeMoss, A woman After God’s Own Heart by George, in our home library, as well as Exemplary Husband … and others in our home library, yet she hates “those books”.
    She surround’s herself with women who do not know or except true Titus 2 principles or who at best think they do, and who have husbands who may quote “happy wife, happy life …”.
    It is hurtful to try to lead, support, protect… yet be told “we’re just on the same page”, then try to teach me what she thinks which is egalitarian mutual submission. A recent strategy when she disagrees is to sleep on the couch and pray to determine if she ought submit to a decision I believe was best, not sinful, yet in opposition to her thinking or that of her sister, mother, friend etc. then tell me in the morning that she has decided otherwise.
    All said, God is and does only good. 1 Thes 5:16-18; Rom 8:28,…
    Thank you for your kind comments Lori. God Bless you.

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