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Category: Keepers at Home

A Day in My Simple Life

A Day in My Simple Life

As many of you know, I have had a lot of health problems since turning 30 years old. I am 65 years old. God has taught me many wonderful things through these years of trials and suffering. I raised four wonderful children while going through many health struggles. They saw a sick mother who never wavered in her faith of God Almighty and never asked, “Why me?” I was more, “Why not me?” His grace is indeed sufficient. I have…

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Stopping the Early Marriage Movement

Stopping the Early Marriage Movement

“The American woman of today is not very different from her mother or grandmother. She is equally attached to the classic feminine values – sexual attractiveness, motherly devotion, and the nurturing role in home and community affairs. She is not a great figure in public life or the professions. And like most men, she is repelled by the slogans of old-fashioned feminism.” This was in “Harpers Magazine” in October of 1962. Women of this time were rejecting feminism of the…

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The Importance of Women in the Kitchen

The Importance of Women in the Kitchen

There’s a reason women being “pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen” is now mocked these days. Women instead are praised for being in the workforce. The health of this nation has gone downhill quickly since women left their homes for the workforce and fast food joints popped up everywhere. Here is a great thread that was written By Casey Means on Twitter. Of all the unintended consequences of the feminist movement, perhaps the most generationally damaging was the implicit push…

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Anesthetist to Full-Time Homemaker

Anesthetist to Full-Time Homemaker

This is a testimony about the transforming power of Truth from God’s Word from a wife, mother, and homemaker who once was an anesthetist! Dear Lori, Consistently reading you has radically changed my life and marriage for the better!! Where do I begin? I always wanted what you have taught, but it’s been a battle bringing it to fruition in my life!! I longed to be a wife and mother at an early age and was blessed to have a…

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The Steadfast, Home-Centered Woman

The Steadfast, Home-Centered Woman

Written in the New Harvest Homestead Newsletter in 2005 What is a “homestead woman?” Literally speaking, the word homestead means to be steadfast at home. I have been a Christian for 26 years, a wife for 25 years and a mother for 20. As the mother of six, I have experienced firsthand a particular dilemma in the lives of Christian women. We want to do the right thing. So, we volunteer, join, raise our hands and sign up, until our…

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Droves of Christian Women are Now Career Minded

Droves of Christian Women are Now Career Minded

Written by Elisabeth Elliot from her book On Asking God Why Nowadays Christian women seem to be operating on the premise that they’re perfectly free to do anything they like, including work outside the home. Whether they’re young, middle-aged, or old, married or single, with children or without, droves of Christian women are now career-minded. Isn’t that okay? I’m not sure it is. Francis Schaeffer, shortly before he died, said, “Tell me what the world is saying now, and I’ll…

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The Truly Rich Life

The Truly Rich Life

Written by Sandie on my Instagram page I felt so ashamed for wanting to be home, raise a family, and take care of everybody emotionally. I knew I wanted this at six to seven years old. My family pushed education. My brothers became doctors. I did go to college but never partied. It was a Christian college. I met a young man. We dated four years, talked marriage but never did. We broke up. I worked at a medical clinic…

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Learning Biblical Womanhood From Older Women

Learning Biblical Womanhood From Older Women

The other night, I listened to a sermon by Voddie Baucham called The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Disciple-Making Ministry of the Church and the Home. I encourage you to all go listen to it! He affirms what I teach concerning what women should be teaching other women. Older women are commanded to teach younger women. What are they commanded to teach them, so the young women don’t blaspheme God’s Word? “That they may teach the young women theology, Bible,…

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From Being a Doctor to Being a Homemaker

From Being a Doctor to Being a Homemaker

This is from an email I received last week: I am a doctor who has just recently quit and become a full time homemaker. I am so BLESSED. My depression and anxiety have VANISHED. I suffered terribly for so many years, battling through medical school. And for what? For a qualification? It brought me nothing but pain and sadness. The medical school and university environment is evil. If only I found God and your blog sooner, I would have saved…

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God Will Make a Way For Women to Be Home

God Will Make a Way For Women to Be Home

Recently, I have been reading through articles of a newsletter I received many years ago called “New Harvest Homestead.” There are many great practical ideas in this, and I wanted to share a few snippets from some of them. “We don’t want to sound like alarmists, and we are definitely not survivalists who believe everyone ought to run to the hills, but we are realists. We live in very turbulent times and circumstances can literally change in a day in…

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