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Category: Health

Losing Weight on My Healing Diet

Losing Weight on My Healing Diet

Last February, I began a healing diet to heal my inflamed gut. I’ve been on it for five months now. My gut is definitely much better! I no longer have a constant burning stomach, horrible acid reflux, diarrhea, and intense pain. The only symptom I still deal with once in a while is gut pain, but it is far less than before. About two years ago, I took some dresses down from my closet because I didn’t fit in them…

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Seven Reasons You Need to Quit Seed Oils

Seven Reasons You Need to Quit Seed Oils

Written By Radical Health Newsletter A hundred years ago, fewer than 1 in 10 people had a chronic disease. But today, it’s 6 in 10. And today, 3 in 4 Americans are overweight or obese, and 1 in 3 are diabetic or pre-diabetic. It’s fair to say that as a species, we are very, very sick. We may be living longer, but we sure are NOT living well. Now the CDC blames the rapid rise of chronic disease on 4…

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My New Cookbook is on Sale!

My New Cookbook is on Sale!

My new cookbook called “The Transformed Kitchen: Recipes and Healthy Living” is for sale on Amazon. All of the money I make from my books, I give to a local Birth Choice that supports women who don’t want to abort their babies. Here’s part of the introduction: We must be as wise as serpents, women, and learn to take good care of our families. I have had many years of health issues; thus, I had a lot of time to…

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Healing Your Digestive Issues

Healing Your Digestive Issues

Recently, I watched a video called Ten Keys to Conquer Crohn’s and Colitis with Jordan Rubin explaining how he healed his Crohn’s disease which doctors claim is incurable. (Remember, if drugs, surgery, or radiation don’t cure something, they call it incurable.) My mother healed her colitis after doctors gave her an incurable diagnosis too. It’s a fascinating journey he went on to finally find a cure and now, he shares it with others. The man who edited my first book…

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Where I Buy My Food

Where I Buy My Food

Eating organic, healthy food is expensive, but it’s worth it for your health. I decided to make a list for you of what I buy and where I buy it to help you better figure out how to afford as much as you can. It’s far better to give up some luxuries in your life so you can eat healthier. Cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are extremely expensive. It’s far better to do what you can to prevent these horrible…

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Doctors Aren’t God. Do Your Research.

Doctors Aren’t God. Do Your Research.

They wanted to give my husband a pacemaker when he had Lyme Carditis and his heart beat was at 22. He researched that it took seven days on antibiotics to clear the infection. So he stayed awake seven days and nights in the ICU with paddles strapped to his bed (if he fell asleep, his heart would stop) and on the seventh day, his heart rate went up! My close relative had to get a vaccine for work and was…

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It’s Far Easier to Gain Weight Than to Lose It!

It’s Far Easier to Gain Weight Than to Lose It!

About five months ago, I shared on my YouTube that I needed to lose about five pounds. Everyone has a desired weight where they feel best and I was five pounds over it. I had to weigh at a doctor’s office and was shocked at my weight! I determined that I was going to lose those five pounds and discipline myself. It sure hasn’t been easy especially since I am 64 years old and on thyroid medication and a steroid…

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Don’t Gain Weight Because You’re Getting Older

Don’t Gain Weight Because You’re Getting Older

One man wrote this on Twitter: “Don’t let your body fat percent increase just because you get older. Charts like this often show healthy range increases with age. In reality, there seems to be no reason for the increase, other than that it’s common.” Our culture has accepted as fact that people get fat as they age. Why? Because most do, but they shouldn’t. I shared long ago on my Instagram an excerpt from “The Secrets of Fascinating Womanhood” these…

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Two Strategies to Eliminate Spike Proten

Two Strategies to Eliminate Spike Proten

As we are witnessing, many are being injured by the jabs they’re giving for the recent virus. If you took it and are now experiencing side effects or are concerned about the long-term side effects, here is an informative article on how to heal your body from this jab and even from the side effects of the virus itself. This is only the last portion of the article which dealt with the healing protocols. I wanted to have it easily…

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Losing Weight Takes Self-Control

Losing Weight Takes Self-Control

Our nation has a huge problem with obesity, and it’s only getting worse. Gluttony is common and rarely rebuked by pastors. Junk food is abundant and filled with seed oils and sugar which cause obesity and ill health. Many try diets and weight loss gimmicks. They may get the weight off but can’t keep it off. What’s the solution? I came across an article written by a woman who lost 40 pounds without dieting in six months. How did she…

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