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Category: Ken’s Teaching

But What About Grace?

But What About Grace?

Written By Ken Alexander Let’s be very clear. Salvation comes only by God’s grace alone founded on the life and work of Christ Jesus on the cross where He died for the sins of all who will place their trust and faith in Him. This is the gospel. God created a plan whereby sinful and incurable mankind could be redeemed in Christ Jesus and whereby my record of life becomes His record and His record becomes mine. Christ took our…

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God Loves You Just the Way You Are

God Loves You Just the Way You Are

Written By Ken Alexander “God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.” (Max Lucado). If you go into marriage with the idea that my spouse needs to love me “just the way I am,” you will be in for some surprises. Sure he/she loves you for who you are, and he is willing to live with the “good, bad and ugly” because that is…

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A Christian Husband Leads and His Wife Willingly Follows

A Christian Husband Leads and His Wife Willingly Follows

By Ken Alexander For those who read this page but still don’t get it, the page is dedicated to training Christian women in Biblical Womanhood. Not in theology, not in how their husbands should treat them, but in a Christian woman’s role as defined by God’s Word, along with other wise advice from an older godly woman. Yes, we believe definitively that a husband is to accept an even greater burden of sacrificial love and care for His wife and…

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Biblical Womanhood and Woman Pastors

Biblical Womanhood and Woman Pastors

Written By Ken Alexander Biblical Womanhood is open to all Christian women who desire to study what God specifically speaks concerning the role and responsibilities of women in marriage, the home, and the Church. God has specifically called on all who claim the name of Jesus to become “the servants of all” and to live sacrificial lives that are pleasing to our Lord Jesus. Within the context of servanthood, the older, godly Christian women are particular commanded to “teach the…

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Counsel When Married to a Difficult Wife

Counsel When Married to a Difficult Wife

Written by Ken Lori’s ministry is very broad and across many platforms speaking truth to Christian women in a day when most pastors and prominent women who teach the Bible refuse to teach what God has commanded in Titus 2. The fruit of her ministry has been outstanding with many lives and marriages changed. Every week, we see more testimonies of God’s powerful work in the lives of believers who are willing to choose to do things God’s ways even…

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Michelle Lesley Adds Me to Her Post of False Teachers

Michelle Lesley Adds Me to Her Post of False Teachers

Up until last week, Elizabeth Prata had me on her blog roll of blogs she recommended but a few months ago, she became upset knowing that I believe that older women should only teach young women biblical womanhood per Titus 2:3-5. (I am not exactly sure this is what sparked her fury against me.) She began digging into all of the dirt about me she could find from the trolls and sharing this on my Twitter feed. I tried talking…

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Giving Up Your Need and Expectations for Appreciation

Giving Up Your Need and Expectations for Appreciation

Last week, I shared this tweet on my social media platforms: “Learn to serve your family and others because you love them and want to glorify God in everything you do. In this way, you’ll never expect to *feel* appreciated by others since this is self-pity which is satanic. Keep your eyes upon Christ and what He commands of you. His blessings are abundant!” Of course, there were women who were angry with this as some are with everything I…

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False Teachings Abounding to Tickle Women’s Ears

False Teachings Abounding to Tickle Women’s Ears

He was raised in a home with an abusive father. Now, his ministry is to stop abuse from happening which is honorable BUT in doing so, he has watered down the meaning of submission to mean honor. God would have used the word honor instead of submission if he only meant honor. He does command wives to reverence their husbands in Ephesians 5:33, but He also commands them to submit to and obey their husbands multiple times. This man came…

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Training Children in True Respect

Training Children in True Respect

Written By Ken Alexander We live in perilous times where far too many of the recent generation of children is getting to adulthood without ever learning true respect. Our society is loaded with self-seeking disrespectful young people who hardly respect themselves, let alone others. Where does such lack of self-esteem and respect come from? From poor parenting and a serious cultural breakdown of the family and sexual morality. Just look around you and you will see disrespect all over the…

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Ken’s Advice on Fatherhood

Ken’s Advice on Fatherhood

Written by Ken Here’s an email I received from a man recently: “I just want to thank you and your wife for being models of what marriage and relationships are supposed to be. I emailed your wife and for obvious reasons she said you’re more qualified to answer a man’s questions. My wife is six months pregnant, and we’re both very excited. I just wonder if you have any advice on fatherhood? As the head of house I know my…

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