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Category: Child Raising

Who Started Blanket Training?

Who Started Blanket Training?

According to Wikipedia: “Blanket training, also known as blanket time, is a method adapted from the methods encouraged in To Train Up a Child, published in 1994 and written by Christian fundamentalists Michael and Debi Pearl. To Train Up a Child promotes several harsh parenting techniques, with a focus on child obedience, which have been linked to multiple child deaths.” Before beginning, I want to tell you that people took the Pearls to a secular court to prove their book…

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God Wants Us to Be Set Apart and Holy

God Wants Us to Be Set Apart and Holy

God has a lot to say about us being set apart and holy from this world. Here are some verses about this. How are we to be in the world but not of it? He wants us to walk in obedience to Him and glorify Him in all that we do. This seems like far too much to ask of us, doesn’t it? I’m going to share some things that I have made a habit of doing in order to…

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Commencement Speech Urging Young Women to Be Wives, Mothers, and Homemakers!

Commencement Speech Urging Young Women to Be Wives, Mothers, and Homemakers!

This Catholic man, Harrison Butker, gave the commencement speech at a Catholic College. He encouraged the graduating women to be wives, mothers, and homemakers. He received a loud, thunderous applause to this! Why can’t all Christian colleges encourage the young women in this way? Why can’t all Christian pastors preach this? Why aren’t all godly, older women teaching this to the younger women? Why??? “For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all…

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A Biblical View of Children

A Biblical View of Children

Written By Laura Johnson “False teaching is easily identified by the fact that it is willingly received by all, and is to everyone’s liking.” John Calvin We live in a culture that is constantly testing and blurring the lines of Scripture. Because of this, it is hard to see the truth hidden behind cultural lies or half-truths. We are quick to justify our actions and claim Legalism or Christian Liberty. However, “Obedience isn’t legalism” (CS Lewis) and Christian Liberty is…

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Reasons to Remain Childfree

Reasons to Remain Childfree

Ellie Gonsalves, a model and actress, gave 178 reasons why she chooses to remain childfree to her over a million followers on Instagram. (I won’t link to her since she’s extremely immodest.) She’s insightful about all of the hard parts about bearing and raising children. It’s far from easy! None of God’s ways are easy, but they are good. Here is part of her list: 1. They are YOUR responsibility until the day you die 2. Post partum hair loss…

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Teaching Little Ones to Sit Quietly in Church

Teaching Little Ones to Sit Quietly in Church

Written By Reverend Brian Abshire in SALT Magazine from October 2009 The time to start teaching your children to worship is when they are babies. Children are NEVER too young to learn but teaching them is often difficult, because we are often not willing to do what is necessary. Look, we all realize that babies make “happy noises” and no one in my experience has ever been frustrated with a baby cooing during a church service. It is the child…

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Teaching Children to Rule Their Emotions

Teaching Children to Rule Their Emotions

Written By Pastor Toby Sumpter The reason why #spankinggate matters is there is a full court press from the liberal left to groom and disciple our children. The world hates the idea of us teaching our children to rule their emotions, to have self-control, and above all else be obedient to Christ. Everyone knows that children are the future, and we are fighting over rival visions of the future. One vision worships the goddess of feelings and sentiment. In that…

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Learning Biblical Womanhood From Older Women

Learning Biblical Womanhood From Older Women

The other night, I listened to a sermon by Voddie Baucham called The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Disciple-Making Ministry of the Church and the Home. I encourage you to all go listen to it! He affirms what I teach concerning what women should be teaching other women. Older women are commanded to teach younger women. What are they commanded to teach them, so the young women don’t blaspheme God’s Word? “That they may teach the young women theology, Bible,…

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Raising Teenagers That Aren’t Rebellious

Raising Teenagers That Aren’t Rebellious

Our four children walk in Truth. They all love the Lord and for this, we are very thankful. There is no greater joy, as God’s Word tells us. I am going to tell you how we raised them. I know there are no guarantees. Some parents raise their children in the Lord and they will still turn away from the Lord. There’s no special formula, but I will share what we did. We were strict parents as I have shared…

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Mothering Through Chronic Illness

Mothering Through Chronic Illness

When I was 30 and my fourth was a baby, I became very sick and was sick for many years. I was forced to be home every day all day long. I mothered my children full time. I was always available for them. God taught me many valuable lessons through my sufferings. Children need and want full-time mothers. Children being raised by full-time mothers are far more secure and emotional stable than those who are not. Learn to suffer in…

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