My Monday Ramblings

My Monday Ramblings

Don’t you just love Mondays? First thing I did when I woke up was to make my healing soup. I make it once a week. I was able to use a very large zucchini from my garden. My first one! I’m hoping to have one a week for my soup. I always heard zucchini is easy to grow and it is, but one plant is huge and producing while my other plant is tiny. I have no idea why they’re…

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Can a Marriage That Doesn’t Begin With Butterflies Last?

Can a Marriage That Doesn’t Begin With Butterflies Last?

Recently, I made a video called Love is Not an Emotion. The following is my favorite comment underneath the video! “Oh wow! I’m not the only one! I also don’t cry over movies or books, and I also didn’t have butterflies when I accepted my husband’s proposal (the second one). Lack of butterflies caused me to panic the first time he proposed, and I needed more time to think things through. I knew I liked him. I knew in terms…

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Melania Comes Out For Abortion

Melania Comes Out For Abortion

Melania Trump came out fully supporting abortion. I had admired her greatly during the first term of President Trump because we never heard her opinion on this topic like we did with Nancy Reagan and Barbara and Laura Bush who were for abortion too, even though their husbands ran on a prolife platform. Melania said, “A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.” I vehemently disagree…

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The Liars and Deceivers Among Us

The Liars and Deceivers Among Us

Last week, I made a video about love not being an emotion. (Please watch it!)  A men decided to edit my video by taking out phrases and piecing them together to make it seem as if I never found my husband attractive nor loved him. Almost a million people had seen that video before I saw it. These are my words at the 2:48 mark: “I did think he was very handsome so l was attracted to him physically.” He…

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The Blessings of a Boring Life

The Blessings of a Boring Life

My life is boring. I was raised in a Christian home. We attended church my entire childhood. I attended a Christian college. I married a Christian man. Neither of us had sex with anyone else. We had four children. We attended church faithfully. We did all we could to raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. The blessings of a boring life. As I grow older, I see how great a boring life actually is. I’ve…

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What She Didn’t Learn in Medical School

What She Didn’t Learn in Medical School

Written by Dr. Casey Means I learned virtually nothing at Stanford Medical School about the tens of thousands of scientific papers that elucidate the root causes of why American health is plummeting. I did not learn that for each additional serving of ultra-processed food we eat, early mortality increases by 18 percent. This now makes up 67 percent of the foods our kids are eating. I took zero nutrition courses in medical school. I didn’t learn that 82 percent of…

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Improvements From My Healing Diet

Improvements From My Healing Diet

In the beginning of February of this year, I began a healing diet. My gut was so bad from my bouts with Covid that everything I ate would come up as vomit in my throat, my stomach burned, and I had daily diarrhea and pain in my gut. I was desperate. Well, I have been on it over seven months now, so I thought it would be a good time to give an update. The diarrhea stopped immediately which was…

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Love is Longsuffering

Love is Longsuffering

Our culture is highly repulsed by any type of suffering. If you explain to others that you use a rod on your child because you want them to equate sin with pain, they cry abuse. They also cry abuse if a husband isn’t treating his wife exactly like she wants him to treat her, not helping enough with the housework or children, doing things she doesn’t like, doesn’t meet her emotional needs, and definitely doesn’t make her happy. In their…

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Laine on The Proverbs 31 Woman – Part Three

Laine on The Proverbs 31 Woman – Part Three

“She extends her hand to the poor, Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.” (verse 20) She has worked hard to fill her hands as we have seen in the previous verses, but she does not now close them tightly to those around her in need. In fact, both of them are open! She is generous as she knows her Heavenly Father is generous and loves the poor. He is her all. He will uphold her and lead…

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Laine on The Proverbs 31 Woman – Part Two

Laine on The Proverbs 31 Woman – Part Two

Here we are back in the beautiful book of Proverbs. A beautiful part of Scripture that was originally an acrostic poem that King Lemuel learned from his mother orally. Each verse started with a letter of the alphabet that he was so familiar with. She would have written it like this and had him repeat it back to her (verse 1: the “utterance” his mother taught him), so that he would never forget it. A wise way to help out…

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