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Author: Lori Alexander

Being a Bold, Purposeful, Proactive, Armored Help Meet

Being a Bold, Purposeful, Proactive, Armored Help Meet

This was written by a woman who wishes to remain anonymous. Why are we so enamored by the world’s labels and the world’s remedies? Proverbs and various other places talk about the folly, even wickedness, of trusting worldly wisdom and philosophies over God’s wisdom which begins with fear and reverence of Him. We tend to trust people’s stories, forgetting that if it were me telling it, I’d paint myself in the best light and the other party as the wrongdoer….

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It’s Always the Man’s Fault…

It’s Always the Man’s Fault…

We live in a culture that is so feminized that whenever a marriage is in trouble, the husband is to blame and some type of abuse is the reason. Take the Kendrick brother movies. It’s always the husbands who are at fault. Here’s something one woman wrote on my social media? “The woman that made the greatest impact on me was physically abused by her husband. She had a legitimate case of abuse. She was the gentlest, sweetest, most forgiving,…

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How God’s Ways Nurture Godliness in Women

How God’s Ways Nurture Godliness in Women

“Lori Alexander, In a future post, please speak in detail to how much love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, righteousness, and self-control you have because you are following the Lord verses wives that want to do things that God called men to do which leads the women to depression, anxiety, etc. Thank you!” (A comment on my Gab account.) This person listed the fruits of the Spirit. All believers in Jesus Christ have the Holy Spirit living within…

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Losing Weight on My Healing Diet

Losing Weight on My Healing Diet

Last February, I began a healing diet to heal my inflamed gut. I’ve been on it for five months now. My gut is definitely much better! I no longer have a constant burning stomach, horrible acid reflux, diarrhea, and intense pain. The only symptom I still deal with once in a while is gut pain, but it is far less than before. About two years ago, I took some dresses down from my closet because I didn’t fit in them…

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Seven Reasons You Need to Quit Seed Oils

Seven Reasons You Need to Quit Seed Oils

Written By Radical Health Newsletter A hundred years ago, fewer than 1 in 10 people had a chronic disease. But today, it’s 6 in 10. And today, 3 in 4 Americans are overweight or obese, and 1 in 3 are diabetic or pre-diabetic. It’s fair to say that as a species, we are very, very sick. We may be living longer, but we sure are NOT living well. Now the CDC blames the rapid rise of chronic disease on 4…

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But What About Grace?

But What About Grace?

Written By Ken Alexander Let’s be very clear. Salvation comes only by God’s grace alone founded on the life and work of Christ Jesus on the cross where He died for the sins of all who will place their trust and faith in Him. This is the gospel. God created a plan whereby sinful and incurable mankind could be redeemed in Christ Jesus and whereby my record of life becomes His record and His record becomes mine. Christ took our…

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Women Despise God’s Will For Them

Women Despise God’s Will For Them

Written By Joshua Charles on Twitter I usually do this social experiment at least once a year. I’ll quote St. Paul’s words to husbands, both about their authority, and their (rather arduous) duties. Zero commentary from me. I virtually never hear a word of complaint from Christian men. But on another day, I’ll quote St. Paul’s words to wives. Zero commentary from me. And every single time, I get a million comments and a thousand qualifications from Christian women. The…

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Walk Worthy of the Lord

Walk Worthy of the Lord

God wants us to “walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing…” (Colossians 1:10). What does this look like for women? He commands we love, submit to, and obey our husbands, not be quarrelsome, contentious, controlling, nor manipulative. He commands us to be sober, not being influenced by alcohol, drugs, emotions, nor feelings, but by Truth instead. He commands us to love our children which means lovingly disciplining, training, teaching, and caring for them. He commands us to be good;…

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Why Women Become Addicted to P0rn

Why Women Become Addicted to P0rn

Far more men than women are addicted to porn. They are more visual than women. I have never watched another man and woman have sex together, not on TV, in movies, or in porn. I have zero desire to do so. In fact, it repulses me. I began wondering what has caused women to become addicted to it. I asked the women on my Instagram, and I will share some of them here. “I forced myself to watch it once…

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The Grave Trouble With Women’s Conferences

The Grave Trouble With Women’s Conferences

Recently, I listened to some of the women speakers at Charlie Kirk’s women’s leadership conference this past weekend. I’ve decided that I just don’t think it’s right for women to stand behind a pulpit or anything like that in front of a group of people and preach, teach, or anything like this. There’s just no woman in the Bible who did this. There’s no command for women to do this. When I began teaching biblical womanhood, we met in a…

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