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Category: Modesty

What Men Think About Leggings

What Men Think About Leggings

I did a poll on Twitter asking only men if leggings were immodest. Here are some of the comments from men: If I’m in line at the market or somewhere where there is a woman dressed in this manner, I look down at the floor and recite memorized Scripture to take every thought captive. As a pastor, I won’t be alone with a woman other than my wife. They are 100% immodest. Anyone who says otherwise needs to repent. You…

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Best Sermon on Biblical Womanhood EVER!!!

Best Sermon on Biblical Womanhood EVER!!!

Preached By G. Craige Lewis of EX Ministries. It’s the BEST sermon on biblical womanhood I have ever heard. “When the Bible tells the older women to teach, it doesn’t tell them to teach the Word. No, that’s my job. I’m doing that! It’s not biblical for women to gather and have other women teach you the Word. Every time that happens, we lose folks to it. The Bible tells older women exactly what to teach other women! How to…

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Modesty Provides Visual Protection From Lustful or Weak Men

Modesty Provides Visual Protection From Lustful or Weak Men

Recently, I posted a tweet written by a man explaining how incredibly immodest leggings are on women. Of course, this received numerous comments from women accusing men of not controlling themselves like this one from a woman who loves wearing leggings and refuses to stop: “The problem is MEN who can’t control themselves, not how women dress. Stop victim blaming. Men are responsible for their OWN ACTIONS.” She insists that men are the problem, not women dressing immodestly. Here are…

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Nudity on the Beaches and Public Pools

Nudity on the Beaches and Public Pools

About five years ago, women began wearing thong bathing suits on our beaches here in San Diego. When they were laying on their stomachs on their towels, they looked naked. I got to the place where I despised walking on the beaches with my husband. I hated being where naked and promiscuous women were, but he liked walking on the beach, so we continued walking on the beach. Well, those same beaches have completely eroded and are filled with rocks…

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Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood

Daily Wisdom For Biblical Womanhood

Years ago, I used to publish handwritten posts on all of my social media sites. Some of you may remember them. Women asked me if I would make a book out of them, so we paid a woman in the chat room to type them all out for me. This sat in my file for a few years. Recently, I decided to put the book together as something that women could read daily to encourage them on their walk as…

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Don’t Advertise What You’re Not Willing to Give

Don’t Advertise What You’re Not Willing to Give

Recently, I shared an experience I had when I was 15 years old and just turned 16. The summer that I was 15 years old, I went to the beach often with a guy my age. He was tall and handsome. I had a major crush on him. My mom wouldn’t let me to date until I was 16 years old, so she was the one taking us to the beach. At the beach, I wore a tiny bikini. He…

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What Does Dressing Modestly Mean?

What Does Dressing Modestly Mean?

What are God’s instructions to women concerning modesty? They are clear in 1 Timothy 2:9,10: “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold or pearls, or costly array; But which becometh women professing godliness with good works.” What does modest apparel mean? Some have told me that it simply means not wearing “costly array” as the verse clearly states. Is this all it means? No. Right after…

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Modesty and Lust are Sides of the Same Coin

Modesty and Lust are Sides of the Same Coin

Matthew West made a song titled “Modest is Hottest.” He created and sang it for his daughters. “The jokey, satiric song urged his young daughters to choose ensembles that are a ‘little more Amish, a little less Kardashian’ because ‘modest is hottest, then latest fashion trend.’ Elsewhere in the video, West said, ‘If I catch you doing dances on the TikTok in a crop top, so help me God you’ll be grounded till the world stops.’” Matthew West then took…

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Back When There was Decency and Modesty

Back When There was Decency and Modesty

My mom was raised before the sexual revolution. Decency and modesty were valued in America. Sexual deviancy and immorality were frowned upon. Here’s a comment that was left on my Facebook page under my post from last Friday called The Progression of Sexual Sin in Our Culture: “Not to mention such things were not openly discussed; it was improper and shameful. Women used to take an escort when attending outings and gatherings so she would not look like a loose…

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Dressing and Acting Like a Harlot

Dressing and Acting Like a Harlot

“And behold among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding, Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house, In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night: And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart. She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house” (Proverbs 7:7-11). Here’s a man; a man…

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