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Month: May 2024

Focusing on the Things of Importance

Focusing on the Things of Importance

A few weeks ago, I shared a video about why I have been sick the past year or so, and what I am doing to get well. My health hasn’t been good since I was 30 years old so this was nothing new for me. What I have learned through all of these years of illness and suffering is to hold loosely to the things of this world and focus upon the things of importance. As many of you already…

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Faith Without Works is Dead

Faith Without Works is Dead

Written by Ken Alexander When we come to a saving faith in Christ Jesus, we fall under His Lordship in our lives. It’s not that Jesus was not Lord before we were saved, as He is Lord over all, Creator of all things, and He sustains all things by His hand (Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3). Hence, the Lordship of Christ is without question in our lives before and after salvation. Just as a husband remains head over his wife and…

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Commencement Speech Urging Young Women to Be Wives, Mothers, and Homemakers!

Commencement Speech Urging Young Women to Be Wives, Mothers, and Homemakers!

This Catholic man, Harrison Butker, gave the commencement speech at a Catholic College. He encouraged the graduating women to be wives, mothers, and homemakers. He received a loud, thunderous applause to this! Why can’t all Christian colleges encourage the young women in this way? Why can’t all Christian pastors preach this? Why aren’t all godly, older women teaching this to the younger women? Why??? “For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all…

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The Lies Women Believe

The Lies Women Believe

The most important thing you need to do while raising your children, women, after teaching them all about Christ and His Word and making sure they obey you is to teach them to be led by Truth rather than by their emotions and feelings. As many of you know, I was extremely ill while I was raising my children. I decided early on that I didn’t want to destroy my children’s childhood, so I decided to learn to take my…

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God Loves You Just the Way You Are

God Loves You Just the Way You Are

Written By Ken Alexander “God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus.” (Max Lucado). If you go into marriage with the idea that my spouse needs to love me “just the way I am,” you will be in for some surprises. Sure he/she loves you for who you are, and he is willing to live with the “good, bad and ugly” because that is…

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Are You a Truly Submissive Wife?

Are You a Truly Submissive Wife?

If a husband wants his wife to only wear modest dresses, wear her hair long, not watch soap operas nor read sexually provocative romance novels, make sure she trains the children to obey her, and have the home picked up and dinner ready when he gets home, she should willingly submit to him. He is not asking her to sin by asking her to do any of these things. Wives are commanded to submit to and obey their husbands in…

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She Never Gave Up on Her Husband

She Never Gave Up on Her Husband

Connie Hultquist’s journey of trying to win her husband back while he was in and out of prison is riveting. May her testimony encourage all of you who are married to difficult husbands. She died in 2021. Here is her story in her own words. Jim and I met in 1966. He was 25. I was 18. He was wild and so was I. When we met, he had already been in and out of prison for about seven years…

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