About Me

Hello! My name is Lori Alexander and I have been married to Ken since 1980. We have four grown and married children who all walk in truth. We have been blessed with nine grandchildren so far. The reason I have chosen the title "The Transformed Wife" is because God, through His Spirit and His Word, has transformed and will continue to transform me into the godly woman that He has called me to be.
Ken and I had 23 years of a difficult marriage but the years since then have only been getting better and better as I apply God's principles to my life. I began mentoring women years ago and have found my ministry in doing this. I have been blogging since 2011 and you can find over 1,400 posts that I published on my old blog "Always Learning" at lorialexander.blogspot.com.
My ministry is based upon Titus 2:3-5 in which God commands that older women teach younger women to be sober, love and obey their husbands, love their children, be chaste, discreet, good, and keepers at home. If you would love to learn and grow in these areas and allow God's Word and His ways to transform your marriage and your life, please join me as I teach you what I have learned from His Word, my own experience and mentoring many women, and most importantly, allowing the Holy Spirit to convict and transform you into the image of Christ.
USA Today featured me in an article called "Meet the Transformed Wife, whose 'working mom' chart rocked the world." Thankfully, it was fair and honest based upon the interview they had with me!