Being a Bold, Purposeful, Proactive, Armored Help Meet

Being a Bold, Purposeful, Proactive, Armored Help Meet

This was written by a woman who wishes to remain anonymous.

Why are we so enamored by the world’s labels and the world’s remedies? Proverbs and various other places talk about the folly, even wickedness, of trusting worldly wisdom and philosophies over God’s wisdom which begins with fear and reverence of Him.

We tend to trust people’s stories, forgetting that if it were me telling it, I’d paint myself in the best light and the other party as the wrongdoer. I’d probably neglect my part in the story since it’s harder to see. We’ve been trained to blame others for our discomfort, and we either don’t know or conveniently forget that everything is interconnected (what I do affects what he does, affects what I do, i.e. the Crazy Cycle). And when we hear a story, we think: “No way would I put up with that!” We don’t default to “What does the Bible say?” about our hearts, perspective, and behavior. We simply do not employ the rational part of our brain as God tells us to do.

I think for a great majority, we’ve also neglected studying scripture. We simply don’t know what it says on how to live. We still believe the lie that life will be easy. Much of Scripture actually talks about how to live in difficult situations and trials! And still we act wounded every time someone is unkind. We neglect the armor for our spiritual battle. God has given us protection, power, and instructions so that we can boldly live His way in all circumstances. We ought not to “neglect so great a salvation” (Hebrews 2). How we view God impacts how we view our experience here.

Many “feel” abused because they don’t wear armor. It’s NOT about the guy sinning against you! Sure, God has given us remedies that require the law for some situations (but not all things in modern law are godly responses nor even the legitimate domain of the authorities). You cannot legislate the heart, only curtail some actions resulting from it’s overflow. God has redeemed many a marriage, even those who don’t know Him, by people doing things His way by boldly trusting and acting, even from “abusive” and “narcissistic” situations. But the world’s ways do not recognize God’s power in His people, and they do not believe in redemption for any sinners, least of all abusers and narcissists. (Most don’t even believe in sin except for those two categories.).

Marriage is DESIGNED for sanctification, not primarily for your happiness. We ought to expect there to be heat as the gold is refined! Yet instead of asking: “What dross are you cleaning up here, Lord?” we grumble and complain at our discomfort. It is our attitude of trust in God and His ways that make the difference in our experience of even difficult things.

This isn’t denying that sometimes there’s true danger. But again, we neglect the scripture that says that we ought not to fear those who can kill the body but rather the one who can kill our soul, and that losing our life for His sake is to find it but in saving it we might lose it. I’m certainly not suggesting that we purposefully endanger ourselves but rather that when our priority shifts to God’s priorities, not the world’s, we’ll then get God’s results not the world’s. And I don’t mean sullen, mousy, doormat, martyrdom either, as many think “submission” is. It’s being a bold, purposeful, proactive, armored help meet!

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
Romans 5:3-5

***Suffering refines us and makes us more like Christ!

5 thoughts on “Being a Bold, Purposeful, Proactive, Armored Help Meet

  1. Absolutely beautifully written. Inspired greatly by the Word of GOD. The Word was set before us as an example. Says so in several places. Look at all the examples of Israel and “what NOT to do”. Of course they were given the “what to Do” beforehand. But, look deeper at the Word and you’ll see that GOD is called the GOD of Abraham, Issac & Jacob. They did NOT have the law. They simply lived in obedience to GOD and were blessed and lived long happy lives.
    They lived following GODS Image set before them.
    IF we too live in that image (the one GODS Word tells us we were created in) We would see that what we choose to do in this life is practice for our future with HIM. Do we think for one moment GOD will allow us to be whiney, contentious wives? Absolutely NOT.
    Or, does GOD abuse us? Would HE want HIS Image by a man or woman set forth that way? Absolutely NOT.
    HE is the GOD of Love also known as Charity in the Bible.
    We MUST represent HIS Image. When we do so we are submitting to HIS Authority and His Holy Spirit works within us to Sanctify us into the Perfect Pure Bride of Christ who hath made herself ready for HIM.

    Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready. (Revelation 19:7)

  2. Excellent Post!

    Regarding submission to authority and suffering, the Apostle Peter (1 Peter 2:13-23) tells us that we are to submit to those in authority over us with all respect… even if they are cruel and placing ourselves in subjection to them causes us to suffer. He tells us that as Christians, we are all called to suffer and Christ was our example in how we are to deal with suffering. He says that if, out of a conscience for the Lord, we endure suffering for doing what is right (what God tells us to do), that brings us favor with the Lord.

    In the very next breath, (1 Peter 3:1-2) he tells wives that IN THE SAME WAY (as slaves are to submit to their masters, even if they are cruel and it causes them to suffer), wives are also to submit to their husbands, even if he is being disobedient to the word (even if it causes her to suffer). He also says that by a wife subjecting herself to her husband and showing him good and respectful behavior, the disobedient husband might be won over. Now this could be a lost man getting saved, or a saved man becoming a better Christian, husband, father, etc…

    The point is, too many Christian women believe that God does not want His “precious daughters” to suffer in their marriage and these prideful little “princesses” use that as an excuse to leave their husband or to divorce him. Frankly, nothing could be further from the truth. You women are no more princesses than your husbands are princes and God literally tells us that (as Christians) WE ARE CALLED TO SUFFER.

    “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps,” (1 Peter 2:21)

    Let me make this perfectly clear. It is not out of bounds for a wife to have to suffer in her marriage. In fact she is called to it and should expect it and her suffering is NOT an excuse to leave or divorce her husband. If she understands the above scripture and trusts God, it is all the more reason for her to stay with her difficult husband and to submit to him in everything (Ephesians 5:24), without being afraid of what might happen (1 Peter 3:6) and show him the utmost respect mingled with reverent fear. (Ephesians 5:33b)

    The sad part is, that too many Christian wives are suffering in their marriage for NOT doing what is right (what God tells them to do). They are suffering for their disobedience to God because they are not placing themselves into subjection to their husbands and they are not showing their husbands the utmost respect mingled with reverent fear. They are being disobedient, contentious, disrespectful and dishonoring to their husbands and this does not please the Lord at all. Peter also says:

    ” For what credit is there if, when you sin and are harshly treated, you endure it with patience?” (1 Peter 2:20)

    The answer is none. In a way, you are just getting what you deserve for your sinful behavior and yet, the vast majority of you want to blame it on your husband and claim that he is the one at fault. It is just like a child who keeps breaking the rules and blaming his parents for the spankings! Ladies, the vast majority of you are bringing the suffering upon yourselves. You are the problem, not your husband.

    If you are truly a child of Christ, listen to His words.

    “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; be zealous therefore, and repent.” (Revelation 3:19)

    For those of you who claim to “love” Jesus, He also says:

    “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” (John 14:15)

    For those of you who claim salvation.

    “And by this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments. The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him;” (1 John 2:3-4)

    Ladies there are no excuses for not being in complete submission you your husbands. There is only one exception; you do not have to submit if your husband is trying to get you to sin. Even then, you still have to show him the utmost respect mingled with reverent fear when you you tell him that you have to obey God first and that you cannot do something that God has told you not to do.

  3. Amen! A lot to ponder and consider in this. Above all may GOD be honored and glorified. What a bold and beautiful purpose!

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