Feminism is NOT a Wonderful Life!

Feminism is NOT a Wonderful Life!

I love a lot of things about It’s a Wonderful Life. But one small aspect that never would be included had it been made today, is that in the alternative timeline part of the story, Mary is a spinster working woman. And it’s presented as a very sad and lonely thing. It adds substantially to the dystopian wild nature of that scene, as it taps into a deep fear women have of being alone, as well as a man losing…

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The Quiet Stillness of Home

The Quiet Stillness of Home

This is from Ellicot’s Commentary on 1 Timothy 2:12: “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. The whole purpose of these weighty admonitions of the great founder of the Gentile Churches relegates Christian women to their own legitimate sphere of action and influence–the quiet of their own homes. St. Paul caught well the spirit of his Master here. He raised once and for ever the women of…

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Her Dream of Becoming a Nurse Became a Nightmare

Her Dream of Becoming a Nurse Became a Nightmare

A woman shared this privately with me on Instagram last week. I asked her if I could share it because it’s so powerful. She said, “Yes!” Here it is: “I am a divorced 30 year old woman. I was a terrible wife, and my husband was physically abusive but I was also emotionally abusive to him. We both did wrong, and I regret the divorce. I moved in with my 90 year old grandma after our separation, and I continue…

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Put Down Your Excuses and Put on Your Aprons!

Put Down Your Excuses and Put on Your Aprons!

This was written by Stacee Kameya on Facebook in response to the above post. A lot of these women in the comment section don’t seem to understand men. Men are not trying to come home and annoy their wives by throwing their socks on the ground and their clothes. They just worked a long hard day, laboring and using their bodies all day. They’re sweaty, they smell, and they are exhausted. The only thing they’re thinking about is getting out…

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Which Way Modern Women?

Which Way Modern Women?

Written By Jonathan Hollerman on Twitter What does the Church teach about Womanhood and Marriage? Egalitarian – “Equality” of sexes, marriage is mutual submission, no hierarchy Complementarian – Pietistic headship and submission, rejects male “authority” Biblical Patriarchy – “Father Rule” Historical and biblical view on gender roles Since Christians have increasingly rejected Biblical Patriarchy over the last 100 years and brought secular philosophy of love and marriage into the church, we’ve seen the utter destruction of the Christian family. Just…

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My Monday Ramblings

My Monday Ramblings

Hello again! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Because of my neck not still being great, I asked my daughters to come early and help me fix all of the food. They were such a great help and did it all so quickly. I love fixing big meals for my children and their families to give them a break, but due to my neck, I can’t do this that well right now. It’s actually fun to have others…

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My Monday Ramblings

My Monday Ramblings

Scrolling through Twitter frequently isn’t healthy, in my opinion. It’s my favorite social media app since Truth isn’t censored at all on it, but the bickering, fear, and worse-case-scenarios become too much at times. On Friday, I decided I wasn’t going to scroll through it at all on Saturday and Sunday. I have never done anything like this, but it all just became too much. It doesn’t bring peace to my soul. Reading everyone’s strong opinions about the newest cabinet…

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Her Children Rose Up and Called Her Blessed

Her Children Rose Up and Called Her Blessed

Yesterday, I spend almost two and a half hours watching Laine’s funeral. The sound was not good, so I probably only understood about half of what was spoken. I wish someone had tape recorded it so I could listen to it again and hear every word. Her children rose up and called her blessed. It was absolutely inspirational and beautiful to watch. I am going to try to remember some of what they said. It was so powerful and an…

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Mom: The missing ingredient in the MAHA movement

Mom: The missing ingredient in the MAHA movement

Written By Suzanne Venker Gone are the days when children are home with their mothers, when morning meant moving slowly, when kids played outside in their neighborhoods and were called inside at dusk, when TV viewing was limited, when bedtime was early, and when obesity and mental health issues were rare. That childhood was replaced with daycare, after-school care, fast food, unlimited screen time, latchkey kids, countless extra-curricular activities, no downtime, sleep deprivation, and childhood obesity. The most powerful voices…

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Forcing One’s Convictions on Others

Forcing One’s Convictions on Others

There’s something about women that needs to be addressed. I’ve noticed that women are far more likely to jump on a new “movement” than men are. I’ve done this, so I write from experience. These then become their strong convictions that they want to force upon others, especially their husbands. They want to be the leader in their families. Now, these convictions aren’t called sin in the Bible, but they try to use the Bible to support their convictions. I…

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