Women Opposed to Women Suffrage

Women Opposed to Women Suffrage

“Anti-suffragists believed that women should reform society from within the home and that restricting the right to vote kept men manly and women ladylike. They also believed that women were already busy with their homes and families, and that suffrage would add to their duties in adverse ways.”

This is from a poster that was created by women who vehemently opposed women suffrage shown above. (My comments are in parenthesis.)

“The history of all states where women have the vote proves there is nothing to be gained by woman suffrage.” (This is absolutely true. They have lost what is most important: marriage, bearing and raising children, and being homemakers.)

“Women stand much to lose by suffrage, because suffrage demands “equal rights”; where men only vote, women enjoy much superior rights and privileges.” (Now, women must be like men and go out into the workforce to work for a boss and strangers rather than be protected and provided by their husbands in their homes.)

“A strong nation can be built only on strong homes; the philosophy of woman suffrage is a blow at the home.” (The home is in ruin. Few children are being raised by their mothers home full time and have fathers who work hard to provide. Birth rates are in a spiral downward. Millions upon millions of babies are murdered in the womb. Children are being raised by a wicked culture rather than by loving parents who stay married for life.)

“To the Suffragette, the father is but the ‘casual parent,’ and maternity, in the words of Mrs. Pankhurst, becomes ‘a protected industry.'” (Many women want to be independent of men. They don’t need men. They divorce their husbands or have babies without dads at home. The “protected industry” of bearing children is abortion. It’s all so horrific! It’s the single issue that most young women vote upon. They’ve been raised to be Marxists.)

“Woman suffrage is a fundamental principle of Socialism, and represents that theory of government which says the individual is the unit of society, and not the family.” (Feminism is satanic. It seeks to take away rights from the family and put them into the godless state. We can see this clearly as time passes. Mothers leave home for the workforce and put their children into godless government schools for their entire childhood.)

“The boys who will come back from France have not been fighting for women who would be ‘imitators of men,’ but for the type of women represented by their mothers and grandmothers.” (Men have suffered tremendously. They no longer can find young women who want to be wives, mothers, and homemakers. Life is all about them and their “dreams and desires” for most women.)

“Woman suffrage deprives woman of her greatest political power which is her non-partisan power in the community. Enfranchised, she must become the member of a political party.” (A woman’s greatest power to change culture is by raising godly offspring and being home full time to do this. Now, we see all of these women influencers heavy into politics that spend inordinate amounts of time away from their children fighting for their political party.)

The following words of Mrs. Pankhurst in October’s Everybody’s are a great revelation as to the aims and ideals of the Suffragists:

“She… will never again be reconciled to a round of bed-making and dish-washing when she has proved her economic worth. And her very maternity will take on the status of a protected industry. After the war, millions of men will be mustered out of active service, but of the millions of women whom the war mustered into industry, not one will be mustered out.”

And who will wash the dishes and raise the babies? (This is the saddest statement of all. Many are choosing to not bear and raise children and if they do, they have strangers raise them while they go off to work for strangers.)

It is significant that, as stated by WW Greg in the New York Times, September 15, in his article “The Third Sex,” “All of the foremost leaders of Woman Suffrage of the present day are childless.” (Do you now see why the entire feminist movement was satanic and founded upon rebellion to God?)

Oklahoma Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. (I stand with these brave women.)

As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
Isaiah 3:12

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