Someone Needs to Tell Them Truth

Someone Needs to Tell Them Truth

No one ever told her that she could be a homemaker. She was taught she needed to be a high-powered career woman who didn’t need a man. I told her I sure needed a man to love, protect and provide for me, bless me with babies and help raise them, give me guidance, and enjoy life together with. I shared with her how much I loved being married, having children, and being a homemaker. She listened. She told me that maybe she could have been a homemaker.

My neighbors see me outside in my front yard with my many grandchildren often. Many have come to know them. Whenever my next door neighbor comes home, they all run over to her and give her a hug. They won over our grumpy postman. Now, if he hasn’t seen them in a while, he asks me where they’ve been. He always smiles and waves at me now. A few have told me they’ve never seen such well-behaved and happy children.

There were three couples in my neighborhood who were living together. The first one is a man who I watched grow up. His girlfriend was pregnant. I asked him if was going to marry her. He told me that he didn’t want to make two mistakes. I reminded him how secure and happy his childhood was because his parents lived under the same roof with him and loved each other and him. His dad told me a few days later that they’ve never told him this. His son was engaged and married soon afterwards. Now, they have two children which he is loving. Someone needs to tell them Truth.

Another couple moved in about a year ago and have been living together for many years. I asked them when they were going to get married. They kind of hemmed and hawed then said they don’t have a place to marry. I suggested a few places and told them how long I’ve been married and what a blessing it has been. A few months later, they told me they were engaged and to be married soon. They had chosen a place to marry. Someone needs to tell them Truth.

Another couple just moved in a few months ago. I see them often as they walk their big, adorable dog by our house. They’ve been living together for a long time too. I asked them when they were marrying the first time I met them. They hemmed and hawed, so then I told them the blessing of marriage. She showed me her engagement ring today! She is the one I shared about at the beginning of this post. She never wanted babies. I told her the great blessings of having babies and that she was created to have babies. I asked her if her fiancé would let her have a baby. She said yes. She’s thinking… Someone needs to tell them Truth.

The media isn’t telling them this. Their parents aren’t telling them this. If they go to church, their church isn’t and neither are their friends. They’re all living together and not having babies. Women, speak truth to the young people in your life. They need to hear truth! Then pray diligently for them. I pray for my neighbors almost daily. I help them when they need help. I talk with them whenever possible. They know we love Jesus. The garden flags in my front yard share Bible verses. They all need Jesus and His beautiful will for them.

I love to build a relationship with them. I want them to know I love and care for them. I want them to see Jesus in me in hopes that one day I will be able to share the Good News of the Gospel with them. Their eternal souls are what is more important than anything else.

I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
1 Timothy 5:14

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7 thoughts on “Someone Needs to Tell Them Truth

  1. Yes, Lori! We must tell them truth! Keep up the good work! We’re winning with our neighbors here on Guam. I encourage the SAHMoms all the time and compliment their husbands. The other day I told our young Air Force couple who lives across the street, “Aren’t you grateful you don’t have to miss all the milestones with the baby boy God gave you after trying for ten years?! And your good husband provides for you?! A man who was adopted as an infant from Panama, whose mother died when he was only 9 years old? Good Husband, isn’t it a joy to come home to a delicious meal and a beautiful wife who loves you and is the terrific mama to your son?”

    I think this post must be one of my favorites, Lori! I pray to continue doing what you describe here. I pray I make a difference!

    Mrs. Kelley Dibble

    Thank you, Kelley! It sounds like you’re making a HUGE difference. This is what Truth tends to do. Many the Lord continue to bless your ministry abundantly!

  2. They may not realize it now but your neighbors are so blessed to have you close by! ❤️
    I’m so glad you put your teaching on the internet because there are so few women I would take marriage advice from in real life… Even from other church going women. It’s really sad.

    Thank you, Heather. It is sad. We need more older women stepping up in all of the churches filling the void in younger women’s lives.

  3. Lori I just randomly decided to check your blog and I’m so happy you added the comment section back to your blog! I have great news, since I last commented on your blog I graduated from university debt free and married a Christian man! A friend introduced us, she met him at her church. I still work but will quit when we have children.

    How wonderful that these young couples have someone showing them the benefits of traditional marriage after years of feminism and woke propaganda. I hope that first woman realized that it’s not too late and is a homemaker now. It’s sad hearing young women proudly proclaim they hate children and never want to be mothers. It’s what you were made for! What a shame society hates families and has convinced many that children are optional. Thank God these couples have someone to show them that that having children is a blessing! The only person who benefits from you being alone and childless is your boss!

    Congratulations on your marriage, Marie, and being able to be home full time when you have children! Debt is a heavy burden upon couples.

  4. Any advice on how to say this? I tried this with the young couple next door that lives together and now they just avoid me and reject all my invites. 🙁 They’ll say hi when I say hi first but any attempt to converse with them is shut down. I know it’s not something I should be getting upset over, not everyone will receive Truth openly, but it feels like a rejection of sorts.

    Hi Mary Ellen,

    Some will refuse truth and some will embrace it. We’re not responsible for how truth is received. We’re only responsible for speaking truth as often as possible.

  5. Thank you!! Maybe your best article ever. I have been so blessed by your blog. I live in Missouri, so I am pretty sure we will never meet on this earth, and I will see you in heaven.🙏🏻

  6. Mary Ellen,

    I’m right there with you. We live in a neighborhood that has a lot of new house or renovated a lot of the old houses and an overwhelming amount are young people. A lot of our older friends that used to live here moved out to the country and we’re considering doing the same. I think sometimes I miss my “echo chamber” (can I call it that?) because we all held the same values. Any time I try to show my life as an example, or share truth with the newer younger neighbors, I’m met with “That’s great that you found something that works for you!” And “Yeah, that’s not for us, we work this way” and it feels as though any seeds I try to plant are falling on hot burning Texas concrete. A young lady I had been trying to speak Truth to about being a homemaker was returning home with a multitude of designer shopping bags one day and my husband said “wow, your husband is such a generous man to be okay with all that shopping!” To which she responded with “Wether my husband is okay with it or not, doesn’t matter” and then never spoke to us again. We live in a “conservative Red” state but this city has become much too liberal for us now.

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