A Nurse Wants to Go Home and Raise Her Children
A woman just wrote this on my blog:
“I’ve worked as a nurse our entire marriage of nearly 18 years. I’ve hated every minute of it and see so much destruction to our family because of my working. The nursing career field is extremely toxic and as a Christian, I resented ‘taking care of other people’ and spending countless hours toward a sick hospital organization, when I had my own family I longed to take care of. I longed to focus just on them and not constantly have to fight my exhaustion and divided attention. But, financially the idea was never discussed between my husband and me, and it was believed it was impossible in our world. There was a lot of financial fear we didn’t adequately address for various reasons at that time.
“We now have an 11 and 13 year old, and I feel so saddened over so much time that I’ve lost and how the stress has affected my health. I read your post about women falling for the feminist lie, and that’s me. I work full time from home as a nurse now, and our kids are homeschooled but as I learn more about God’s design and commands for men and women, I feel so burdened. I am a homemaker at heart and try my hardest to do that effectively by showing Christ to our kids daily, but it’s extremely difficult to feel effective at any of it, home life and work life alike. I live out the saying ‘jack of all trades, master of none.’
“I see why I’m tired and exhausted and borderline sick now. You may say, ‘Great! Now why are you still working?’ I just don’t know how I can quit my job mainly due to financial debt we’ve gotten ourselves into. It will take us years to dig out. I want to follow the Lord’s command now! But I don’t know how; debt doesn’t disappear quickly. Not the kind of debt we have. We’re working hard towards getting rid of it, but it’s a large burden. I’ve asked the Lord to forgive me of my sins and I know He has, but I feel the repercussions are life long, and I can never quit my job because of it.”
I shared this with women in my Facebook group. Here are some of their responses:
Lydia: “The thing that people don’t realize is that when we stop trying to fix everything ourselves and trust God, He is the only true provider and problem solver. When we are out of his will, of course we will get into trouble and problems that need never have happened, but when we step back onto the best path He has designed, He makes a way! Usually, we just need to get out of the way and let Him get on with sorting the issues. It’s not a prosperity gospel. It’s letting Him guide each step and faithfully trusting Him.”
Judy: “You need to read or watch Dave Ramsey. We never thought that I could stay home, but I did. We dug out, and it was the best thing we ever did! God bless.”
Brooke: “Get out now while your kids are at home. So, it takes longer to pay off debt. Be purposeful in cutting expenses and faithful in paying down what you can on a single income. When your kids move out, go back to work and put your entire earnings toward the debt until you are free. But focus on your kids and family now. God will provide for you, and your family will benefit. Get out of God’s way so He can perform the miracles you need. He gave you those kids to care for. Focus on that job so God can do His.”
Becky: “I commend her for recognizing ALL of this. In my heart, I truly believe IF she has asked the Lord to forgive her and now she is wanting to be obedient to Him and His Word, she needs to 100 percent surrender and TRUST in the Lord with her choice of QUITING her job, being a full time mom, help meet to her husband, and homemaker. ‘
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
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