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Category: Child Raising

Learning Biblical Womanhood From Older Women

Learning Biblical Womanhood From Older Women

The other night, I listened to a sermon by Voddie Baucham called The Sufficiency of Scripture in the Disciple-Making Ministry of the Church and the Home. I encourage you to all go listen to it! He affirms what I teach concerning what women should be teaching other women. Older women are commanded to teach younger women. What are they commanded to teach them, so the young women don’t blaspheme God’s Word? “That they may teach the young women theology, Bible,…

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Raising Teenagers That Aren’t Rebellious

Raising Teenagers That Aren’t Rebellious

Our four children walk in Truth. They all love the Lord and for this, we are very thankful. There is no greater joy, as God’s Word tells us. I am going to tell you how we raised them. I know there are no guarantees. Some parents raise their children in the Lord and they will still turn away from the Lord. There’s no special formula, but I will share what we did. We were strict parents as I have shared…

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Mothering Through Chronic Illness

Mothering Through Chronic Illness

When I was 30 and my fourth was a baby, I became very sick and was sick for many years. I was forced to be home every day all day long. I mothered my children full time. I was always available for them. God taught me many valuable lessons through my sufferings. Children need and want full-time mothers. Children being raised by full-time mothers are far more secure and emotional stable than those who are not. Learn to suffer in…

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Children Being Abandoned By Their Mothers

Children Being Abandoned By Their Mothers

Recently I shared this tweet: “I was raised by nannies and daycares. It sucked. Have this memory of being like three and sitting inside my mom’s closet wrapped in her robe, smelling her smell, missing her so completely because she was gone on a work trip for weeks. Some sad sh+t. Don’t do that to your kids.” The response and comments were overwhelming! I am going to share a few of them since God commands women to be “keepers at…

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Monitor Everything They See and Read

Monitor Everything They See and Read

“The printing press puts into the hands of parents a means of good which they may use to the greatest advantage in the culture of their home-life and in the shaping of the lives of their household. But they must keep a most diligent watch over the pages that they introduce. They should know the character of every book and paper that comes within the doors, and should resolutely exclude everything that would defile. “Then, while they exclude everything whose…

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Are You Living in a Cult?

Are You Living in a Cult?

Many are accusing the Duggars of living in a cult. I have a pamphlet that was published by Moody Publishers. It is called “Comparing Christianity with the Cults.” The cults they name are Christian Science, Spiritualism, Jehovah’s Witness, Scientology, Mormonism, Eastern Mystic Religions, Unification Church, Unity, and Wicca. I couldn’t find Gothard being a cult in this pamphlet or meeting the requirements needed to be labeled a cult. There are many families outside of following Gothard who homeschool their children,…

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Defending Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar

Defending Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar

Jill and Jinger Duggar are advancing the persecution of Christians. They were raised by parents who had strong convictions based upon the Bible. They defined modesty by wearing dresses. They defined being sexually pure by not kissing until the wedding day. There’s nothing wrong with having strong personal convictions based upon biblical commands. They absolutely taught their children the Gospel and that true salvation was through faith in Christ alone, but faith without works is dead since our faith is…

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Best Sermon on Biblical Womanhood EVER!!!

Best Sermon on Biblical Womanhood EVER!!!

Preached By G. Craige Lewis of EX Ministries. It’s the BEST sermon on biblical womanhood I have ever heard. “When the Bible tells the older women to teach, it doesn’t tell them to teach the Word. No, that’s my job. I’m doing that! It’s not biblical for women to gather and have other women teach you the Word. Every time that happens, we lose folks to it. The Bible tells older women exactly what to teach other women! How to…

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No Smartphones, TVs, or Sleepovers For Their Family

No Smartphones, TVs, or Sleepovers For Their Family

There’s a family, Katie and Elisha, who have twelve things they have decided to not do as a family. They both come from godly families whose parents were intentional about raising their children in the ways of the Lord. They are very admirable and will probably challenge many of you in the way you raise your children. Some of these things your husband will disagree with. That’s okay. Submit to your husband’s desires. Both parents don’t have smartphones. They are…

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How Were We So Easily Hoodwinked?

How Were We So Easily Hoodwinked?

This was a series of tweets given by @goinggodward: “Today, I went to pull a student for a session, and as I walked by the auditorium, some kids were leaving, obviously disturbed. I pulled my student from the assembly. It was a co-ed sex education class for eighth graders where actual male and female genitalia were shown on the screen. Some girls were disturbed and embarrassed and got up and walked out. The content wasn’t even suitable for adults. “As…

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