Teaching Children to Rule Their Emotions

Teaching Children to Rule Their Emotions

Written By Pastor Toby Sumpter

The reason why #spankinggate matters is there is a full court press from the liberal left to groom and disciple our children. The world hates the idea of us teaching our children to rule their emotions, to have self-control, and above all else be obedient to Christ. Everyone knows that children are the future, and we are fighting over rival visions of the future.

One vision worships the goddess of feelings and sentiment. In that vision, people find ultimate happiness by following their heart, their feelings, their appetites, and an all-powerful state is necessary for reigning in the excesses. Riots in the streets, school shootings, porn, and meth are just the collateral damage of that utopian mirage.

The other vision worships the Triune God of Heaven. In that vision, people find ultimate happiness in being conformed to the image Christ, head and heart, body and soul, as the Holy Spirit gives new hearts through the gospel and the power of self-government. This leads to strong families, churches, communities, and a corresponding limited civil government and remarkable political peace and liberty for all.

So we must not be embarrassed in the slightest about Biblical discipline of our children, including the training of their feelings and emotions. We love our children, and we love the Word of God. Their cowardly obfuscations and twisting of scripture must not distract us or cow us.

Whoever spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.
Proverbs 13:24

They are not having kids, so they need ours but by the grace of God, our kids will grow up loving Christ and will be unmoved by the shrieks and threats of people with pronouns in their bios. This is one of the most practical political acts available to us. Get married, have kids, and raise them to love Jesus.

***Pastor Sumpter was responding to a video that many were furious with Doug Wilson’s wife for explaining how she had disciplined (spanked) one of her children for crying when she came to pick her up. She disciplined her when she got home and told her child that she must be happy to see her mother pick her up, not cry. The child learned to be happy when her mother picked her up. This is a good thing!!! Teach them to control their emotions from a young age. It will benefit them for life.

Here is my video on Chapter Three of my book “Biblical Womanhood: A Study Guide” on Learning to Love Our Children.

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