Focusing on the Things of Importance

Focusing on the Things of Importance

A few weeks ago, I shared a video about why I have been sick the past year or so, and what I am doing to get well. My health hasn’t been good since I was 30 years old so this was nothing new for me. What I have learned through all of these years of illness and suffering is to hold loosely to the things of this world and focus upon the things of importance.

As many of you already know, I have a husband of over 43 years, four grown and married children, and 18 grandchildren, maybe more! I haven’t had much energy for a long time but what little energy I have, I use it on caring for my husband, home, children, and grandchildren. I don’t want to waste it on the frivolous pleasures of this passing life. Suffering quickly puts everything into perspective.

I made a Costco trip this morning. It’s just a few miles from us. Whenever I go shopping, I simply shop for exactly what I need and nothing else. I don’t look through the clothes since I have plenty to last me the rest of my life. I mostly buy food there. I buy any organic food I can find and need, and then I am out of there. My wants have become lesser with each passing year. Everything is going to burn one day, so I want to invest into things that will last.

Since I have been so sick the past year and began a healing diet at the beginning of February, I haven’t eaten out once since then. We don’t go to movies or anything like that. I am a homebody. I’m not sure if it’s because I have been forced to be or because I love it! I have been asked to speak at conferences around the world, and I always decline, not only due to my health, but it’s just not something I want to do. I love being able to teach biblical womanhood to thousands of women from my home. I am so thankful for this ministry that the Lord has given to me.

I love attending my solid biblical church every Sunday. We are fed meat there every single week. I’ve never attended a church where the Word is so boldly preached, and the people so incredibly friendly. I go to my health food store once a week, and then once every other week, I go to Costco. That’s about it! My grandchildren are here often. I love being with them and giving their parents some time to themselves. I read to them, take them to my neighbor’s “park” (swing set), feed them a lot, work on puzzles, sit out in the front and watch them play, bake with them, and talk to them a lot. It’s like having the joy of raising children all over again. I feel so badly for the many young women who have reached out to me and told me their mothers want nothing to do with their grandchildren. This is a travesty!

As you can see, I live a relatively quiet life except when my grandchildren are here. I love it! I have definitely learned that godliness with contentment is great gain! I try not to focus much on what is going on in our nation but instead, keep my focus on the Lord and His many promises to us. He is good, and His plan for us is good! I trust Him no matter what happens. My eternity is secure with Him.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
Colossians 3:1-4

7 thoughts on “Focusing on the Things of Importance

  1. Such a timely reminder to focus on that which is eternal. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience with us, but most importantly what the word says about our God given purpose as women.

  2. Thank you Lori for your continued encouragement to stay home and love my husband and children and grandchildren. Today I made homemade chicken Parmesan for my son and brownies. We spent last weekend with our other son and his wife and their three children. I decided to stay home 2 years ago this month! Since then my husbands salary keeps increasing and our savings is growing! We are still able to tithe and give alms because God is providing and we are living according to His plan. God bless you and your beautiful family. Thank you 1,000 times for your faithful teaching of the truth!

  3. Beautiful Lori, a simple life focusing on what matters most. I hope your health improves. You inspired me to start making your chicken ‘soup’ – it’s helping my gut issues immensely. I never knew it would be so easy to prepare until I saw your posts.

  4. I totally agree with the previous comments. Your example is needed so badly today. As I age I find I am totally content to be home! Our children call us recluses! I have discovered grocery pickup and it makes shopping so easy. Plus, I save money by not making on the spot purchases! If I need out of the ordinary things there’s Amazon. My home is my sanctuary. Thank you for your wholesome and godly example!

  5. Love you Lori!! Will continue to pray for your health. I find myself feeling so guilty for not having a ministry… my husband and home is my ministry and other than that I just help others as I can! I try to help my fellow Christian mothers and pray for others. Your ministry has helped so much. Would LOVE more posts about crucified the flesh and not walking in your emotions- very hard for me but getting easier. I was saved 2 years ago, married 1 year after and we are trying for babies soon!

  6. These words are so full of wisdom, when I started following you i was struggling to accept your teachings because my heart was hardened ,from all the feminism stuff we have been taught when growing up.May the Holy Spirit help me to be transformed completely, I’m 27 years from Kenya,married with one kid. I was being pressured to look for a job and leave my baby with a house help but through divine guidance and this page, I said no and I now want to stay at home and make more babies😄.it’s not any easy decision to be honest, I also feel like sharing your posts to my friends but I’m afraid they will not discern it the way I do.

  7. I don’t agree with your teaching, however your family is blessed to have you! God bless you and your health.

    From Lori: Thank you! I try to stick closely to God’s Word in what I teach. Yes, they’re completely opposite of what you’ve heard your entire life, but they’re so so good!

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