Is Your Home Full of Strife or Peace?

Is Your Home Full of Strife or Peace?

How does a woman tear down her own home? For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work (James 3:16). This woman is not content with what she has and does not live within her husband’s income but is constantly lusting for more when she sees what others have on Instagram, Facebook, and the fixer up shows on television. She has not learned godliness with contentment but is always searching for ways to spend more money than she has but this still is not enough for her.

She is full of strife. She quarrels and argues about many things because she is selfish and wants her own way. She is not fun to live with but makes everyone’s life miserable with her unhappiness, moodiness, and discontent. She is critical and finds fault with almost everything and everyone.

How does a wise woman build up her home? But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy (James 3:17). She is pure. She dwells upon the lovely and the good. She doesn’t watch filthy shows or movies. She is careful what she puts before her eyes and what she listens to since she loves the Lord and His ways.

She is peaceable. She isn’t argumentative and contentious. She doesn’t quarrel and fight for her own way. She is content in life and believes every day is a blessing and a gift to be enjoyed while she lovingly serves her family.

She is easy to be entreated. If someone needs help, they have no problem asking her since they know she will readily listen and help whenever, whoever, and wherever there is a need. She is servant-hearted and loves to make others lives as good and pleasant as she can.

She is full of mercy. She overlooks injuries and treats offenders better than they deserve. She understands that as Christ has forgiven her, she forgives them.

She is full of good fruits without partiality. She is patient and kind to all. She works hard in her home with willing hands and is consistently looking for things that need to be done. She will do good to any and all.

She is not a hypocrite. She lives what she believes. She doesn’t help others to be rewarded on this earth because the only one she aims to please is the Lord so she stores her treasures in heaven where they belong. Her actions, words, and behavior come from a deep and abiding faith in her Heavenly Father.

She builds her home up with all of these and her family rise up and call her blessed.

And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.
James 3:18

9 thoughts on “Is Your Home Full of Strife or Peace?

  1. Very pleasant to read. The peace that I felt when you mentioned she is full of mercy and how she treats others! How the Lord works and moves in my life is so amazing and precious! The Lord knows our struggles and he tells us in 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

  2. Thank you Lori I needed to hear this today.

    I also watched your video about not letting our emotions rule and not feeling sorry for ourselves, it has greatly helped to shift my mindset this morning.

    After putting great effort into a big breakfast that my husband didn’t eat, the baby wouldn’t settle, my eldest son was disappointed that my husband wanted to work outside and everything just seemed to go wrong I was battling my emotions that would normally have ruled me in a situation like that. After taking some time to read and listen to your advice and read through 1Peter I am now thankful I have access to such amazing advice that is not available at the moment in my real life, I am grateful that I have a healthy and generally very happy family to serve and I am joyful that God is with me and helping me to learn and do better.

    You are very inspiring to me, thank you

  3. Unfortunately, most homes would have strife. My grandmother died this week and the strife that has occoured in the family is ridiculous. So my mother has told me to just send flowers and a card. Better to stay out of it. Its a shame but hopefully thats not a pattern i am setting for my children. Good post once again Lori. God bless.

  4. This is lovely, Lori. I am going to print this out and put it in a place where I can read it daily. Thank you!

  5. Thank you for your inspiration. I try to live at peace after the deaths of my husband and my son. It is sad to be a widow and to bury a child, but the love of Jesus Christ gives me faith and hope.

  6. Dear dear Handmaid,
    May the peace of our kind Shepherd fill you abundantly ! I don’t know you personally, but I can imagine your profund pain and great loss. May the joy of the Lord be your strength ! Praying for you. Lots of love and hugs, your sister in Christ,

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