Melania Comes Out For Abortion

Melania Comes Out For Abortion

Melania Trump came out fully supporting abortion. I had admired her greatly during the first term of President Trump because we never heard her opinion on this topic like we did with Nancy Reagan and Barbara and Laura Bush who were for abortion too, even though their husbands ran on a prolife platform.

Melania said, “A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.” I vehemently disagree with her! The women’s right of individual liberty is deciding who she is going to have sex with, NOT deciding to murder a baby in her womb because she doesn’t want it. Melania supports murder. It’s as simple as this. So, who are we voting for? These tweets express my thoughts perfectly.

We don’t live in a Christian nation. We are told in God’s Word that this whole world lies in wickedness and that we are a remnant. Few want to live for the Lord by obeying Him. No, they go along with culture and decide what’s right in their own eyes rather than live by Truth. Pray diligently for our leaders, women. Don’t allow politics to consume you! Our hope is built on Jesus Christ alone. No politician can save us from our wicked culture. Be salt and light and go about doing good and loving others.

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
1 Timothy 2:1,2

***Subscribe to my blog HERE because there are some things I can’t write about freely on Facebook and Instagram like this topic and others I care the most about. I am thankful I still have this blog!

2 thoughts on “Melania Comes Out For Abortion

  1. And I am thankful, too, that you still have this blog!

    Mrs. Kelley Dibble

    Thank you, Kelley! I appreciate your support immensely. Hugs to you too! Lori

  2. To be honest, this doesn’t surprise me. After she said she had no regrets about posing n*de, it really wasn’t that far a leap to side with ab*portion. In addition, she said DT wanted more children, but she refused. She may dress well, and act in a feminine way, but she is feminist through and through.

    Yet, Megan, she seemed so dedicated to being available to raise her son whom she loved. There’s a great contradiction there.

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