My Monday Ramblings

My Monday Ramblings

Don’t you just love Mondays? First thing I did when I woke up was to make my healing soup. I make it once a week. I was able to use a very large zucchini from my garden. My first one! I’m hoping to have one a week for my soup. I always heard zucchini is easy to grow and it is, but one plant is huge and producing while my other plant is tiny. I have no idea why they’re so different. Same seeds. Same soil. It’s a puzzle.

Then, I went to get my blood drawn. My doctor wants me to get my thyroid checked every six months from now on since it’s below normal which was expected to happen eventually. He hasn’t upped my thyroid medication yet since I don’t have any symptoms of low thyroid. I take thyroid with porcine powder from a compounding pharmacy. It agrees with me the best.

After this, my husband and I had devotions together. We’ve been doing this for years. I read a chapter in the Bible and he prays. I’m a visual learner so I concentrate better when I’m reading. I love listening to him pray. He covers all of our family, relatives, our church, people he’s mentoring, and even the election. It’s a wonderful blessing to have a man who loves the Lord.

Almost every day, I take a 40 minute walk. Sometimes I listen to sermons and sometimes, I listen to life around me. I love my walks. Often, they help me to feel better. I love being out in the fresh air and sunshine. A huge benefit of living in San Diego is being able to take walks all year round.

This past week, my best friend from college spent a few nights here. The first night they were here, we had a BBQ and invited our children and grandchildren who live close by to come over and see her. She’s an amazing housekeeper and gave me a few good tips. I always appreciate them! It’s fun watching her interact with her husband. She decided before marriage that she was never going to nag her husband, and she doesn’t. She listens carefully when he speaks and is so respectful towards him. She was my maid of honor in my wedding, and I was hers. We’ve supported each other through all of the ups and downs in life.

We talk about everything. She told me that she’s not on any social media and loves to just be quiet. They’re doing a lot of work on their home so while she works, she loves quiet. They maybe watch a bit of TV at night, but it’s documentaries and things of this nature. She only reads books on paper. She is rarely on her phone. She doesn’t think it’s good for the eyes. She ministers to refugees and has some interesting stories to tell. They all love her! She’s teaching them how to sew right now.

We had dinner at my music pastor’s home Friday night. They live in a fixer up that has quite a bit of land. They have a ton of chickens. A coyote got into the pen a few months ago and killed eight of their egg laying chickens! They have a bunch of younger ones, thankfully, but it was heartbreaking. They fixed us a simple dinner and the fellowship was precious. They have three little girls who they were attentive to the entire time. They were both raised in strong Christian families so marriage comes easily to them. They do everything together like cooking, gardening, raising the children, house projects, and so on.

A woman emailed me today and told me that Laine is on her final days on this earth and will be meeting her Savior soon. She knows someone who knows Laine’s daughter, Abbie, so she’ll keep me posted when she is with the Lord who will say to her, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Abbie wrote, “Laine’s cancer battle has been going on for two years, and she now sounds very weak and nearing the end of her life on earth. She’s unable to walk and she has lost a tremendous amount of weight.” Laine lived a sacrificial life pleasing to the Lord. She loved being a wife, mother, and homemaker.  Her family is going to miss her so much. I am heartbroken for them. She’s only 63 years old but her life was full of loving Jesus and others. Just the way it should be for us all.

Well, thank you for listening to my Monday ramblings. I decided to just share what went on in my life this week. Besides all of this, I am still icing my neck a ton during the day since it’s still not great. I figured out that even cutting too many vegetables and lifting anything heavy at all flares it up. It’s the nerve pain into my legs and feet that bother me the most. Life is sure a learning game, isn’t it. We are absolutely fragile. Thankfully, my gut definitely seems to be healing. A few weeks ago, I figured out I wasn’t getting enough calories and kept losing weight, so I’ve added more calories. I was only getting 1300 calories a day! I added 300 more. I do have more energy now which is a blessing and stopped losing weight.

Oh, my favorite part of my week is being with my sweet grandchildren. God is so good. They bring me SO much joy and laughter!

Have a blessed week, friends!

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

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3 thoughts on “My Monday Ramblings

  1. I really enjoyed reading your Monday Ramblings! I hope you post My Monday Ramblings a lot more. I love listening to the story about your friend, and what a good wife she is to her husband. I enjoyed reading it all!

  2. What a beautiful, simple life. Would you be open to sharing a typical day from when you had very young children? (From what you can remember). Currently a 29 year old mother and wife with a 2 and 4 year old. It’s a busy season and any encouraging words from a wiser woman would be wonderful.

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