Pastors Being Manipulated By Domineering Women

Pastors Being Manipulated By Domineering Women

Written By Pastor Stacey Shiflett

It is shocking at the number of pastors that are manipulated and intimidated by domineering women in their church. Any pastor that would allow a woman to control them or the church should be escorted out of the pulpit. He is unqualified to pastor. The minute that women are allowed to run the church, you may as well write ICHABOD over the door; the glory is departed. That church is unbiblical and very possibly unsalvageable.

The problem usually starts at home, where her husband allowed her to usurp authority over him as the head of the house. A wife that is domineering in the home will many times attempt to control the pastor and the church. The order in the home is unbiblical, and it will eventually contaminate the church.

Godly, sanctified, spiritual women are a major source of strength and joy in a church. They bring an element of blessing that is priceless. A godly woman will enrich a church and be used of God to accomplish great things for God. But domineering, bossy, mouthy women have ruined more churches that we can begin to imagine. Make no mistake; a domineering, bossy woman is not a spiritual woman. She is a sensual woman. There is nothing godly or biblical about her. Her mouth must be stopped and her attempt to control the church must be met with an unmovable resistance from a godly, fearless, Spirit-filled man. Any pastor that cannot biblically thwart a controlling woman has no place in the pulpit. It won’t be long before he is not the leader; he will be a puppet.

 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
1 Timothy 2:11,12

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One thought on “Pastors Being Manipulated By Domineering Women

  1. Tragically, pastors’ wives, in my experience, are some of the most egregious examples of what Pastor Shiflett writes of here. Far too many of them “wear their husbands’ rank,” or attempt to occupy the pulpit with him as “co-pastor,” a blatantly unbiblical arrangement.

    What these pastors’ wives seem not to realize is that their role requires them to be the prime example within their husbands’ congregations of what a Godly wife and mother should be. If they desire any leadership role at all, let them lead the women of the church in being the type of wives Scripture calls upon them to be. Those pastors’ wives who do this, who recognize their roles within the bounds of Scripture and act accordingly, are a very powerful force within the church and are an essential element in keeping it pure and biblically focused. Sadly, they are also as rare today as genuine Proverbs 31 women.

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