Stop Blaspheming God If You Love Him

Stop Blaspheming God If You Love Him

There are many women who claim the name of Jesus Christ who blaspheme His Word.

The women who aren’t sober and sober-minded blaspheme His Word. They drink too much and get tipsy or even drunk. They allow their emotions and feelings to dictate their behavior rather than the Word of God. They don’t spend time in His Word, listening to godly preachers (men), nor attend a biblical church faithfully so they aren’t growing in the wisdom and the knowledge of the Lord. They lack wisdom and discernment.

The women who don’t love their husbands are blaspheming His Word. They are contentious and quarrelsome. They deny their husbands sexually. They manipulate and control them through their emotions and feelings by giving them the silent treatment, withholding sex, and whatever means they can think of in order to change their husbands and demand their own way.

The women who don’t love their children blaspheme God. They use birth control to prevent having children. If they get pregnant, they have their unborn babies murdered. If they have children, they put them into daycare as babies and into public school for the rest of their childhood. They depend upon Sunday School to teach them about God since they’re too busy with their career to invest their lives into their children.

Women who aren’t discreet blaspheme God. They gossip and slander others. They don’t dress modestly but love to attract attention to themselves. They are loud and boisterous. They don’t have meek and quiet spirits. They love drawing others to themselves and spouting off their ungodly opinions.

Women who aren’t chaste blaspheme God. They fornicate with their boyfriends and then move in with them. They play make believe marriage and are a make believe wife until one day, he gets tired of them and leaves. If they get married, they fantasize about other men. They may even “fall” into an affair and try hiding it from their husbands. They tear their homes down.

Women who aren’t keepers at home blaspheme God. They want to pursue their dreams and goals rather than be home raising their own children and being a help meet to their husband. They value stuff over being a wife and mother. They’re rarely home so their families get the leftovers of their time and energy. They feel fulfilled being in the workforce and getting a paycheck, after all, they’re independent and strong women!

Women who aren’t obedient to their husbands blaspheme God. They would rather submit to a boss than their own husband. They’re not going to have anyone tell them what to do, I mean, they’re not going to have their husbands tell them what to do. They are egalitarian which means their husbands submit to them and their emotions and feelings. Their husbands eventually decide they would rather live in the wilderness than with a contentious and angry woman.

Women who aren’t quiet in the churches blaspheme God. The verses about being silent in the churches are for those churches where the women were loud and obnoxious but not for today when the women are college educated and even attend seminary. The Bible is old-fashioned and not for today so they preach, lead, and teach in the churches leading many churches down the path of destruction and far away from truth.

Stop blaspheming God, women, and begin to live in obedience to Him. Trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:3-5

One thought on “Stop Blaspheming God If You Love Him

  1. This is the story of my life as a man. It pretty much sums up my experience except the church “sided” with my wife. I lived 17 years in utter confusion after marrying my “Christian” wife. Through your Facebook and blog I have finally understood what I was up against. Thank you.

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