The Blessings of a Boring Life

The Blessings of a Boring Life

My life is boring. I was raised in a Christian home. We attended church my entire childhood. I attended a Christian college. I married a Christian man. Neither of us had sex with anyone else. We had four children. We attended church faithfully. We did all we could to raise them in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. The blessings of a boring life.

As I grow older, I see how great a boring life actually is. I’ve never had to worry about STDs. Did you know that you will not get cervical cancer if you marry someone who has never had sex with anyone else so you don’t need pap smears? My gynecologist recently told me this.

Here all the diseases you can acquire from STDs according to Mayo Clinic:

Pelvic pain
Pregnancy complications
Eye inflammation
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Heart disease
Certain cancers, such as HPV-associated cervical and rectal cancers

How does Mayo suggest not getting STDs?

“Stay with one uninfected partner. Staying in a long-term relationship in which both people have sex only with each other and neither partner is infected can be one way to avoid an STD.” In other words, sex is only safe for a man and a woman who have never had intercourse with anyone else and marry each other for life. That’s it!

Women, you must teach your children that ALL of God’s commands are for their good! Even besides all of those diseases listed, there’s heartbreak, guilt, lack of bonding, psychological issues, depression, anxiety about getting pregnant, dangerous side effects of the birth control pill, abortions, lack of ability to bond, and many others. We weren’t created to be animals with no self-control in this area. Teach your children so they will know that sex is beautiful within marriage but terribly dangerous outside of marriage. If you don’t, culture will teach them that it’s a boring life to wait for marriage. Fornicating is the way to go. They will be taught the opposite of Truth. Combat culture’s lies constantly to your children. It will bless them. Far too many parents teach their children NOTHING about the consequences of fornication and disobeying God.

I am completely bonded to my husband as he is to me. Sexual purity even protects you within marriage. All of God’s ways are for our good. His blessings are abundant! Don’t ever let anyone ever convince you that a boring life is bad.

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
1 Corinthians 6:18

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One thought on “The Blessings of a Boring Life

  1. Unfortunately my husband didn’t save himself for me since he didn’t accept Christ until after he broke up with his girlfriend. But we got married and he’s the only man I’ve had sex with and we have a very “boring” (I like to say STABLE!!) sex life. 🥰

    God’s ways are the best! Our children are young but we’ve already touched on some of these topics with them. I don’t want them to be clueless or to not know the dangers that come from playing around with fire.

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