The Liars and Deceivers Among Us

The Liars and Deceivers Among Us

Last week, I made a video about love not being an emotion. (Please watch it!)  A men decided to edit my video by taking out phrases and piecing them together to make it seem as if I never found my husband attractive nor loved him. Almost a million people had seen that video before I saw it. These are my words at the 2:48 mark: “I did think he was very handsome so l was attracted to him physically.” He is a liar and deceiver just like his father the devil.

I decided to make a short post here on my blog for those who may have seen this manipulated video. I felt compelled to set the record straight on this one. I receive lies and slander about me on a daily basis and most I completely ignore but this one, I could not. Please, watch the entire video I linked above! Truth is a beautiful thing!

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
John 8:44

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3 thoughts on “The Liars and Deceivers Among Us

  1. I want to thank you Lori for your fight. There is another lady named Anna Wood (I believe that’s her name) that is a fighter right beside you, trying to bring women back to the word of God and out from another deception of “Eve”. Today your battle is against the majority of professed Christian women, the pastors, and overall the professed church (filled with effeminate men). When the Lord opened my eyes through His word and such blessed men like RL Dabney, I realized we have very, very, few women left that can obey Titus 2 in teaching the younger women, because none of them obeyed God, nor have repented. I have been personally attacked for sharing your site/posts. I pray for you and your family, if I could guess, the spiritual warfare can be overwhelming at times. I pray that the Lord will set a hedge around you and your family, to keep you and prosper you for the remainder of your lives.

  2. I’m sorry that happened to you, Lori! I just watched the real video and it is such a blessing! Thank you!

  3. I watch most of your YouTube videos but u haven’t seen this one yet. Thank you for teaching us wisdom 🥰

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