Women Despise God’s Will For Them

Women Despise God’s Will For Them

Written By Joshua Charles on Twitter

I usually do this social experiment at least once a year.

I’ll quote St. Paul’s words to husbands, both about their authority, and their (rather arduous) duties. Zero commentary from me. I virtually never hear a word of complaint from Christian men.

But on another day, I’ll quote St. Paul’s words to wives. Zero commentary from me. And every single time, I get a million comments and a thousand qualifications from Christian women.

The same, I’ve noticed, is often true when I quote the Church Fathers about the duties of men and women, husbands and wives. Often with no opinion commentary from me. Just a request that people think about it.

It’s a good thing to ponder the thoughts of some of the greatest men in Church history, even though they are not individually infallible.

When I’ve quoted their strong words about men, I hear virtually no complaints or qualifications from men.

When I quote their strong words to women, I hear plenty.

I am simply relaying the facts of what I have experienced.

I’ve been doing this sort of thing annually since I was in college (now more than a decade ago). The results are always the same.

For now, I will leave it to thoughtful, holy, virtuous Christian women to determine the significance, if any, of this consistent trend.

***My take: The significance is that if I taught biblical womanhood just 60 years ago, they would be accepted and acknowledged as truth. Nowadays, since feminism has infiltrated everything including the churches, biblical womanhood repulses women. I must deal with the ifs, ands, buts, and exceptions constantly. “Enlightened” and “educated” women have decided these days that their will is FAR superior to God’s will. It’s heartbreaking and shameful.

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:3-5

4 thoughts on “Women Despise God’s Will For Them

  1. How sad, but not surprising. This is so true and you see it everywhere. Our preacher spoke on how women are to stay home during his Mother’s Day sermon and so many were offended. It saddened me as I feel like we attend a very sound, Bible only church. It’s impossible to find good, older female mentors as a young mom and wife trying to live as a biblical woman. That’s why I cling so strongly to you and your words, Lori! (And others like Debi Pearl, Ruth Fugate, etc). Thank you so much for all you do.

  2. I believe I’ve made this comment before but it’s worth repeating. IF we as Christians contemplate what being the Bride of Christ means we’d see that this life is practice for us.
    We women have to come under the authority of our husband’s as we would GOD. Men must remember they are “the LORDS bride” in that case and treat their wives as they would Him.
    I believe IF we take GODS Word seriously everything else would fall into place in our marriage relationships.
    I know that as the LORD revealed this in many ways to my husband & I our marriage got better. HalleluYAH Praise the LORD.

  3. Ephesians 5:22-27 shows the husband imaging Jesus Christ, while the wife images the church. It explains that the husband should treat his wife like Christ treats the church. He should not treat his wife the same as his lord. That’s what Adam’s first sin was. He obeyed his wife as if she were the Lord instead of obeying God. Whereas God tells wives to obey their husbands in everything, so obeying your husband in everything lawful is obeying God. If you’re not submitting to him, you’re not submitting to God, who told you to.

  4. I agree with the post. I have been married to an infant baptized “Christian” women 45 years. I love her deeply and have and shall be devoted to love, protect, provide, and cherish her until God takes me to Himself. I’ve always sacrificed my life for her, my children and grandchildren. Yet, she reviles “headship, submission, obedience, and likewise me. She has taught our daughters, their husbands, her siblings, mother and friends to disrespect me too. She is provoking, bitter, angry, argumentative, contentious, and yet when I gently ask her please do not argue, please, please help me and do as I ask, she reviles me more. She follows me around the house demanding I “discuss …” but this only means she is determined to over-rule my decisions or requests, and call me names, and assault my character in order to “win”. She also denies or regulates intimacy contrary the scripture which she knows very well. Unfortunately she uses other scripture verses to counter and negate those from 1 Cor 7 which are clear, concise and easily understood. No wiggle room there!
    I am reading MASCULINE CHRITIANITY currently, and have read Doug Wilson’s books as well all very clear cut. Nancy’s book THE FRUIT OF HER HANDS is excellent too.

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