Women Don’t Need Women’s Bible Study

Women Don’t Need Women’s Bible Study

Written By Lindsay Harold on Facebook

Women don’t need “women’s Bible study.” They need Bible study, just like all believers do. Women need doctrine. Women need exhortation. Women need correction. They need these things from the qualified male elders of their church, not emotional fluff marketed to women and taught by another woman.

Women are not a special and different kind of Christian than men. They don’t need their own parallel church just for women. There’s no different set of doctrines for women. There’s no easier, more emotional gospel for women. Women need the same rigorous teaching of God’s word that everyone else needs.

Women do need to be taught the practical matters of loving their husbands, loving their children, being chaste, discreet, and good, and keeping a home. These things they can and should learn from older Christian women. This is not what “women’s Bible study” generally teaches. If that’s what it taught, that would be great. However, these things are best taught one-on-one from a godly older mentor rather than in a class.

What too often happens is that “women’s Bible study” becomes a way for women to avoid the accountability and rigorous teaching of the church elders and set up a women’s church within the church, with what amounts to female elders teaching them scripture. This is not God’s prescription for the church and, not surprisingly, it bears bad fruit.

This is a true saying, if a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach…
1 Timothy 3:1,2

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