Women Need to Get Back Into the Kitchen

Women Need to Get Back Into the Kitchen

My grandmother grew up in a generation where most women married, bore children, and guided the home. Most of the food they ate was whole food; the way God created it and cooked from scratch. Many of them had their own gardens. My grandmother did. There were few toxic chemicals in the air back then. The land wasn’t being sprayed with toxic chemicals. The water was pure. Women weren’t on birth control pills so they knew if they had sex, they would probably get pregnant. Divorce was rare. Women dressed modestly. It was a hard time (both World Wars and the Great Depression), but it was a better time in many respects. There were no abortions, LGBT garbage, no sex trafficking of children, no porn, and so on. Christianity and the Bible were valued in our nation, and most people went to church.

My grandma never took her children to a doctor. She had seven children. They grew up healthy and strong. They all lived into their late 80s and 90s except for her two sons who drank and smoked. (They both fought in WW2.) They didn’t have to work as hard to be healthy as we do today. The children played outside as often and as long as possible. They weren’t sitting in front of screens all day.

Now, our nation is a completely different place. We are being assaulted by toxicity in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the clothing we wear, the homes we live in, and the things we see and read. It’s vital for you, women, to be home full time and do all you can to keep your children healthy physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Go back to the old paths that God has ordained for you!

So, how are we to raise our children in this toxic world? I encourage you to listen to Tucker Carlson’s recent video. “Casey Means was a Stanford-educated surgeon. Her brother, Calley, was a lobbyist for pharma and the food industry. Both quit their jobs in horror when they realized how many people were being killed by the systems they participated in.” It is a fantastic video! The bottom line is that people need to stop eating processed food, processed sugar, seed oils, and stop depending upon drugs to keep them healthy. Begin eating organic food without toxic chemicals, and meat and eggs that are from animals that weren’t shot up with a bunch of chemicals but were raised the way God intended them to be raised.

Casey quit being a surgeon because she finally realized that doctors were treating the symptoms instead of getting to the root cause of disease and began teaching people to eat real food instead of health destroying food. She said infertile women, those with PCOS, and most other modern day diseases can be healed through eating. It will also greatly impact your children for good!

Women need to get back into the kitchen and begin cooking healthy food from scratch for their families. My cookbook is filled with recipes and articles about these very topics! Man will never be able to improve on food the way God created for us to eat it!

Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
Genesis 9:3

7 thoughts on “Women Need to Get Back Into the Kitchen

  1. Agree 100%! I am a stay-at-home mom to 7 children. I try to make a lot from scratch, but I don’t have a garden anymore. Maybe I will again someday. I do want to point out one thing though: there were types of abortions, LGBT issues, some sex trafficking of children and porn going on back then, too. It just wasn’t talked about or nearly as common as today. The average person didn’t know about it. These since have been a part of our world since before the flood. I am so thankful Jesus gave us victory and teaches us how to raise godly families!

  2. I’m a stay at home mom of five. I cook from scratch nearly every day (we typically do takeout after church) and I’m so blessed to say our family has enjoyed good health. Our kids play outside most of the day and are so strong and active. Our world today has so many areas where we can slowly get poisoned so I figure if we can give our children a head start with good nutrition and a solid work ethic that they will get much farther in life.
    The Lord has blessed me very much. Thank you for this post.

  3. Yes! 100% agree! I started milling my own wheat and now my three kids never get sick and my husband lost weight and lowered his blood pressure. We minimized tablets to one hour a day on the condition of good behavior. We do electronic free “quiet time” after lunch every day. No more processed foods in my pantry. Only fruit, cheese, or dried meats for between meals. I get constant compliments on how calm and obedient my kids are. I’m confident in going and doing whatever with all three kids by myself. It’s hard work but I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. No greater joy!

  4. YES! Thanks for this, Lori.

    I always loved baking and cooking the usual Standard American foods, so being in the kitchen hasn’t been hard. The Lord used my own health troubles to lead us to traditional cooking. Nourishing Traditions was my first “textbook” on healthy eating! We love that book.

    I encourage folks to not get discouraged when starting traditional cooking/baking because it can take months or years to develop those skills. Sourdough was very hard for me to learn, but SO worth it. It took our tongues several months to adjust to no sugar, then everything we ate in other homes tasted so intolerably sweet after that! I recommend people first find local sources of fresh whole foods. Farmers markets and growing your own garden are great starting points.

    We watched a clip from that exact interview you recommend. Two things really stuck out to me:

    1) Casey said that the average age for girls to go through puberty has gone down to 10 years old. We noticed our kids are “late” to puberty compared to other kids. I had suspected it was the lack of growth hormones and toxins in our food (we’ve eaten clean for most of our kids’ lives). I was relieved to hear her confirm my suspicion – that my kids were not late, but that most kids are early to puberty now.

    2) Casey also said that she now realized that having children and raising them to be healthy was the most important job she could do. Just a couple years ago she would have thought the opposite, but now she knows there’s nothing better than for a mother to raise her children. It made me think of you.

    Now I’d like to watch that whole interview and see what else they have to say.

    Thanks again,

  5. I agree. I love my kitchen. I make all my food from scratch and meal prep for the week for every meal. I only have ingredients. I spend a lot of time in my kitchen and a fair amount of time at my luxury gym. I designed my kitchen as well as had it built when I built my house. 🙂 So i absolutely am in live with it and it’s the favorite part of my home. Maybe there’s something about the first piece of land that belongs to you but I’m in love with the place I’ve worked so hard to have for the last 28 years of my life <3

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