What They Gave Up to Be Home Full Time

What They Gave Up to Be Home Full Time

Women who want to be home full time usually have to give up some things in order to do this. I asked the women in the chat room what they had to give up and I received many great comments. Here are a few of them:

Kim: “Being a number at a job. Being someone that is replaceable. Being used and not paid for a job well done. Not being appreciated. Enlarging someone else’s wallet. Time spent with family so my boss can go home while I worked overtime to ‘get ahead.’ Not being able to stay at home when my children were sick. Drying cleaning. Working holidays. Getting caught up in the Working Woman’s mindset. Being lied to by SATAN!”

Judy: “Stress, along with a lot of  ‘hay, wood, and stubble.’

Michelle: “I have given up much of my pride. Worldly luxuries that have no eternal benefit. But ooohh, the rewards!!! I have had the blessing of being a stay at home wife and mother for seventeen years.”

Celina: “I gave up free private Christian school tuition, a sizable salary (and the ability to buy what I wanted when I wanted), daily social interaction with solid Christians face to face; I also gave up a ton of stress, deadlines and responsibility, guilt, pride, business clothes and pretty shoes, being a boss, being an employee, pleasing others.”

Jessica: “Nothing. We would be spending in daycare and convenience foods what I was making. I would have had a nervous breakdown worrying about the boys all day between the Aspergers, bleeding disorder, and food allergies anyway. I honestly don’t know how people let strangers take care of their children all day.”

Diane: “Six figures a year. Worth every penny.”

Laressa: “Nothing. We grew up with stay-at-home moms so this feels normal to us. We live within our means. My husband’s salary has gone up and down quite a bit over the years, but we have always had our needs met and many of our wants. We’ve always been self employed and there are extremely good years and some lean years.”

Jessica: “An unfulfilling job. LOL. I wanted a home and family to start with.”

Lynn: “Nothing and lots. Let me explain. Nothing is the fact that ALL of our needs are met. We have all the important things. We have a home, our farm, cars, clothes, food, insurance, etc. Things we go without… expensive vacations, cable TV. Eating out all the time, extra shopping trips, NEW vehicles, NEW furniture. I’m thrilled to be at home. I wouldn’t trade it for all the money in the world.”

Carla: “We would definitely have a bigger home if I worked. Ironically, we probably would not have had as many children and would not have needed more space. I know compared to many around the world my home is a mansion. We pray we will have more room someday, but God knows our needs. He is able!”

Wendy: My job, my large home, our two cars…22 years ago and four children later and would do it all again in a flash.”

Robin: “My salary which at the time was half of our income. I didn’t care at the time – I would have lived in a cardboard box in order to stay home with my daughter! However, God has always been faithful to meet our needs! Not always in the way I wanted or would have done it or even in the timing I wanted, but all according to His will and plan.”

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.
Ephesians 3:20

9 thoughts on “What They Gave Up to Be Home Full Time

  1. I didn’t work from the moment I got pregnant, which my husband and I had always planned. He had to work 2 jobs to make that possible. I gave up personal ambition, a lot of pride, daily interaction with other adults, seeing my husband Monday-Thursday. I also gave up stress, huge fast food bills, A sinful workplace, horrible bosses, 70 hour 7 day work weeks, And going against Gods plan.

    Now I stay home with our 1 year old son. I keep my house in order. I train and teach our toddler. I shop and cook without inconveniencing my husband. I spend time looking for ways to save money instead of making it. Just staying home has saved thousands compared friends I know with 2 working parents. They have to work because they spend so much more on convenience and daycare. The Lord has provided more than enough month after month of following Him.

  2. My sweet husband leaves for work before the children get up and often does not come home until after they are in bed. He’s so tired on the weekends that I will take the kids out of the house so he can rest and recover.

    I’m so blessed to have a such a loving husband, who models such selfless behavior to our children!

  3. Your family is blessed with your full-time presence in your home, Brittany. “A penny saved is a penny earned” is exactly how you are living and it’s so much better than the rat race of a full-time job away from home.

  4. You are blessed, Sarah. There was a time when men didn’t even want their wives to work since they took pride in being the provider, unlike today where too many see dollar signs instead of their wives’ value at home.

  5. Lori,

    Sharing, sharing, sharing and sharing this some more! Loved it x 18!!!!


  6. Lori,
    I Am commenting to thank you and also ask for prayers. I am a full time teacher since my husband and I got married. After having our daughter, Ive worked for the first year. We’ve added up the numbers time and time again and it just wasn’t enough to cover the bills with just his salary. We don’t have cable, we drive used cars, no debt except for our house. We mostly buy everything used at garage sales. I make everything I can at home such as laundry detergent and sub. I’ve been devastated this last year leaving my daughter everyday but I knew my husband wanted me to work so I did.

    I grew up with a very feminist mother who demanded I go to college and made me think it was a blessing and privilege it was to work. I now realize how wrong it all is. My husband and I have just decided I will turn in my resignation and will not continue to teach next year. The numbers don’t add up still but we are trusting God that He will provide and make it work. I know my parents will be furious but my husband and family are more important. Thank you so much for the scripture you present daily!!!

  7. Hi Lori. One of the most overlooked statistics by feminists is the difference now in Life Expectancy rates. If one goes back to 1973 (I chose this year because of Roe versus Wade) the difference was 7.7 years, while peaking at 7.8 in 1979. By 1990 that difference had dropped to 7.0 years and by the end of the decade has dropped to 5.7 and as of 2012 is now down to 4.7. There can be no doubt that women in the work force has contributed heavily to this decrease. Women now suffer from things like high blood pressure at nearly the same rates as men. High stress levels and burnout are becoming more common in women too. Since 1973 a woman’s life expectancy in the USA has risen from 75.3 to 81.2, while men’s has risen from 67.6 to 76.1. Interesting, don’t you think?

  8. Stephanie,

    I can’t wait to read your testimonies about the faithfulness of God. Trust and believe Him. He never fails. Your husband made the right decision. I’m so grateful you’re married to a great guy like him, and I’m SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!


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