Can’t Get the Keeper-at-Home Out of Women

Can’t Get the Keeper-at-Home Out of Women

No matter how hard feminism has tried to say that men and women are equal (the same) in every way, they never will be able to since they are fighting against God’s created design for them, even secular articles write about this. The Magazine Real Simple wrote an article called The Invisible Workload that Drags Women Down. Home is a woman’s domain. Her heart is at home no matter how hard she tries to be a career woman and feminism has tried to convince her otherwise.

“Sociologist Susan Walzer published a research article in 1996, called “Thinking About the Baby,” pointing to this household gender gap. Scholars had already documented that women, even those who worked full time, were doing the majority of what came to be called the “second shift”: the work that greets us when we come home from work.”

“Walzer found that women do more of the intellectual, mental, and emotional work of childcare and household maintenance. They do more of the learning and information processing (like researching pediatricians).

They do more worrying (like wondering if their child is hitting his developmental milestones). And they do more organizing and delegating (like deciding when the mattress needs to be flipped or what to cook for dinner).”

Walzer’s conclusion: “To truly be free, we need to free women’s minds. Of course, someone will always have to remember to buy toilet paper, but if that work were shared, women’s extra burdens would be lifted. Only then will women have as much lightness of mind as men.”

“To truly be free, we need to free women’s minds.” It’s been over 70 years since the sexual revolution when feminism began taking a firm hold on this nation and they haven’t been able to free women’s minds from their homes. What makes them think that they ever will? They won’t since God created women to be the keeper at home which is a full-time job, contrary to popular opinion. Even women who are married without children find working full time outside of their home exhausting because of all the upkeep of the home, food, and husband if she has one.

This is why the big expectation of men helping with the children and housework (even for those women who are home full time) has become a juggernaut in most marriages. If their husbands don’t help, the wives secretly or not so secretly are continually upset with their husbands even when their husbands work long hours to provide for their families. My mom never expected my dad to help her with any housework or her children since he worked so hard and knew that children and home were her duties as a keeper at home.

The last thing women need today is have one more reason to be upset with their husbands and cause strife between the two of them. Instead of trying to “free women’s minds,” we should be encouraging them to go back to their created purpose and find joy being keepers at home. If they haven’t been taught how to cook, watch cooking shows and read cookbooks. It’s easy to learn how to do if one knows how to read. If she is a terrible housekeeper, she can learn this as well. I mentored one young woman for a while and when I would go to visit her, her home was a disaster. After she had a baby, I went and visited her and her home was clean and tidy. She learned and disciplined herself to have a clean and tidy home. It was beautiful!

If you don’t know how to raise obedient children, there are some good books on the market or learn from godly, older women. Seek out ones who have raised godly children and ask them for advice. It should be the older women teaching the young women how to cook, clean house, and raise children instead of technology, so they have the role model and woman right beside them. This is how God intends it to be but it is not happening much anymore. Ideally, mothers are raising and teaching their daughters in the ways of godly womanhood, including keeping a home and all it entails.

She (not he) looks well to the ways of her household,
And does not eat the bread of idleness.

Proverbs 31:27

4 thoughts on “Can’t Get the Keeper-at-Home Out of Women

  1. Such truth is contained in this post! It is futile for women to fight against God’s design and His will for us. Even secular publications and studies prove the truth of the Scriptures.

  2. if both parents are working, i dont see anything wrong with both parents seeking ways to ease the burden of keeping up with the home together.
    and i dont think there is anything wrong with “delegating” a task (for lack of a better word) to a particular person who likes to do something, for them to do. i have a friend whos husband LOVES to do laundry so he does the laundry most of the time.
    my boyfriend loves to cook and in fact when i try to cook dinner he just gets in the way and sort of takes over the cooking process. i’ve learned to be the kitchen cleaner instead. 🙂 he really enjoys it and it makes him happy to cook dinner for us.

    it’s when you have a SAHM who is complaining about keeping up with the housework. if you are a SAHM, running the household is in effect, your “job”. if you don’t like it, find a way to accept it and do it well enough. your home doesn’t have to pass the white glove test everyday. but it doesn’t take much to dump toys in a toy box, load a dishwasher nightly, and sweep.

    i found it overwhelming to clean my house sometimes, but i made a “chore chart” for myself and posted it on my fridge. so i know kitchen gets cleaned every night and one day a week one room gets cleaned exclusively. it has worked much better than waiting for the weekend to do it all.

  3. Yes, it would be great if husbands help around the home if both are working but a godly wife can’t demand it from her husband since he is her head. He is the one who gets to delegate tasks since he is the leader over his wife contrary to popular opinion.

    Charts are great for those who need structure and accountability. It’s great it works for you!

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