Healthy Chocolate

Healthy Chocolate

Most everyone loves desserts but sugar is bad for everyone. It is the cause of most diseases and plays havoc on the gut. A healthy gut is needed to be healthy. My sister, Alisa, took an intensive health class that lasted almost a year. She has found great recipes to build up and nourish our bodies instead of tearing them down. Most everyone, however, loves a sweet once in a while so she told me about this chocolate candy recipe that is delicious; even my grandchildren love it.

Coconut oil is very good for us so I have tried to get it into my diet and this is the best way I have found. I buy my supplies at Trader Joes, Costco, and online.

Ingredients needed:

1 cup organic coconut oil (Costco’s organic brand is great!)
1 cup raw organic cacao powder (Divine Organics)
1/4 cup raw organic honey, maple syrup, or coconut sugar (I’ve been using 1/2 part Y.S. Organic Bee Farms Raw Honey and 1/2 part Big Tree Farms Brown Coconut Sugar with a small squirt of Now Liquid Organic Stevia)
1/2 cup organic cacao nibs (optional)
1 cup organic peanut butter (Santa Cruz organic is the best!) or 1 cup pumpkin seeds (or any mixture of nuts)
(My favorite is 1/2 cup peanut butter and 1/2 cup properly prepared walnuts.)
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch salt

Melt coconut oil in a glass bowl over a small pan with simmering water in it. Put everything in the blender and mix it well. It needs a strong blender. Pour on parchment paper or a silpat liner that is on a large cookie sheet and spread it around. Put it in the freezer for an hour or so, then break it off into pieces. Store it in the freezer in plastic bag but I doubt it will last long! My grandchildren and everyone who taste it love it.


For he satisfies the longing soul,
and fills the hungry soul with goodness.

Psalm 107:9

I made a YouTube showing how I make this chocolate!

12 thoughts on “Healthy Chocolate

  1. Do you use raw unsalted pumpkin seeds, or can you use salted pumpkin seeds? I would love to try this recipe!

  2. Hi Lori,
    I’ve made your chocolate a few times and my whole family LOVES it. I make the peanut butter and honey version. It is so delicious, yet filled with healthy ingredients. It’s so much nicer than shop bought chocolate. Thank you for sharing this amazing recipe.


  3. I made the chocolate today and it is great! When I was done I put a banana and some milk in the Vitamix and made a healthy milkshake. That way none of the chocolate was wasted and the Vitamix was a lot easier to clean.

  4. Made this tonight, it’s soooo yummy! I will probably never buy chocolate at the store again. Thank you for sharing this!

  5. My daughter and I have made this 4 or 5 times so far, we absolutely love it! Sometimes it ends up quite thick so we just add extra coconut oil and maple as needed and it’s perfect we like it thin! Thank you and God bless

  6. I whisk mine together and just leave the nuts whole if I add them. That way I don’t dirty up as many dishes. Very yummy!

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