Her Children Rose Up and Called Her Blessed

Her Children Rose Up and Called Her Blessed

Yesterday, I spend almost two and a half hours watching Laine’s funeral. The sound was not good, so I probably only understood about half of what was spoken. I wish someone had tape recorded it so I could listen to it again and hear every word. Her children rose up and called her blessed. It was absolutely inspirational and beautiful to watch. I am going to try to remember some of what they said. It was so powerful and an encouragement for us all.

Every morning when her children woke up, they would see their mother in the living room with a cup of tea and reading her Bible. Her Bible was so marked up that it was falling apart. She would wake up at 4:00 am and spend a few hours reading the Bible and praying. She had a deep faith and love in Jesus Christ. Everyone who spoke about her shared this. She loved people deeply and loved being hospitable. The children said she loved the Lord the most, then her husband. You could tell by the pictures that they shared of her life how much she loved her husband. What a remarkable woman of God. Her three sons would argue about who was her favorite. They all wanted to be her favorite. She would tell them that she loved them all deeply.

Her life revolved around her family and home. She homeschooled all four of her children along with the young one they adopted from China. They all walk in Truth and love Jesus. She has 16 grandchildren. She was a fabulous cook and always made sure a hot meal was ready when her husband came home from work. She taught all of her children to cook. She even taught a 16 year old guy who is a man now how to cook! He shared that her love for Jesus was clearly evident.

In her home, only worship and praise music to the Lord was played. She absolutely had her life centered upon the Lord rather than the world. She knew her true home was with Him. She read the Bible to her children daily and spoke about Him throughout the day. She lived simply and frugally within her husband’s income.

On her deathbed, one of her sons asked her, “If you could be completely healed right now, what would you do?” She answered that she would get up and serve him. She was a servant. She lived to serve the Lord, her family, and others. She didn’t live for herself nor her pleasures. Everyone who knew her loved her. What a living example of Jesus she was to the world around her. One of her favorite chapters in the Bible was Proverbs 31. She wanted to be a Proverbs 31 woman, and she succeeded. Great will be her reward in heaven. Here is an archive of all of her letters.

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:28-30

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7 thoughts on “Her Children Rose Up and Called Her Blessed

  1. Thank you for sharing this! I so wanted to know how it went. She will truly be missed but she is praising her Lord and Savior ❤️

  2. Thank you for this. I wanted to watch yesterday but was unable to. You summarized Laine’s life so beautifully.

  3. I, too, “attended” Laine’s celebration of life. I’m hoping that someone will be willing to write a transcript of everything that was said during the service, especially by her children.

    It’s still so hard to believe that beautiful, incredible Laine is no longer ministering on this earth.

  4. Such a wonderful post! You summed it up so well. It was a beautiful celebration of an amazing woman and extraordinary life. Her children and dear husband’s shared memories were amusing and inspirational. I only know Laine from her letters and now feel that I know her even better through her family’s sweet words. The 2-1/2 hours flew right by. What a joyful and beautiful servant of the Lord!

  5. Thank you for this! I have been talking about this to everyone. I have been reading Laine’s letters from the beginning, and they have inspired me.

    You can watch this again by searching for Laine Amarvizca’s Life Celebration on Facebook.

    Blessings to you,

  6. Hi there I’d be happy to fill you in on any parts you were unable to hear or missed.

    Laine was like my 2nd mom and im so glad you were able to join and watch. I’m so sorry to hear the sound quality wasn’t good.

    Praising the Lord always,

    Hi Hannah! We would love to hear what the children had to say about her. Others have expressed this to me too. Thank you!

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