Live Each Day Fully!

Live Each Day Fully!

I watched Charlie Kirk interview Tucker Carlson the other day. Tucker admitted to having a drinking problem when he was younger and a terrible fear of flying. He had flown a lot as a kid and had some frightening experiences so every time he flew as an adult, he would get drunk.
Before his 4th child, he flew to Pakistan on business and the plane literally crashed. For 20 minutes before the crash, the entire plane knew they were all going to die but they didn’t. His life changed dramatically after the crash.
He quit drinking and no longer had any fear of flying. He recognized that his fear of flying was due to fear of dying, then reminded himself that we are ALL going to die one day so why allow the fear of dying steal from living?
Many are living in fear of the illness so they are no longer living. This is NOT the way any of us should live. Death is a guarantee for all of us. We need to be living each day fully (this is why he quit drinking – he wanted to live in the present fully aware) and have NO fear of what God has in store for us.
We know ALL things will work together for good for us because we love Him.

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