Rules For the Wife and Mother at Home
Recently, my husband asked me to look for our car’s title. In the process, I found a file full of letters and cards my children had written to me and many other treasures. I shared one of these on social media and some asked me to make a post out of it, so this is it! May you be convicted and encouraged. It’s so easy to forget to do right. This is why we must be reminded often. I don’t know where it came from or who wrote it, but it’s excellent!
1. Overlook husband’s faults and instead focus on his better side.
2. Never nag or try to manipulate your husband into doing things your way.
3. Trust God and trust your husband. Pray for him daily.
4. God first, husband second, children third, house fourth.
5. Submit to your husband’s authority and allow errors in his judgment.
6. Allow him to provide for the family and appreciate the money he brings in and the provisions he provides for his family, no matter how little or how much.
7. Spend your husband’s hard earned money wisely, and be frugal. Never sneak expenses behind his back.
8. Do not wound his masculine pride. Instead, compliment him on his manly accomplishments and show your appreciation of him every day.
9. A modest, feminine appearance is important. As is feminine manner, nature, softness, gentleness, and a spirit of sweet submission and dependency on the husband.
10. You have a God-given career that can bless you abundantly. That career is in the home.
11. Cook delicious healthy meals, keep the home clean, and take wonderful, loving care of your children.
12. Your duty is to be a “homemaker” hence, your job is to make your house a home.
13. Above all, the wife at home is to exude an attitude of happiness and joy. Rejoice in the Lord for the wonderful family He has provided and never take your family for granted.
Rules for the Mother at Home in Training Her Children
1. Obedience is absolutely essential to proper family government.
2. Never give a command which you do not intend shall be obeyed.
3. Never punish when the child has not intentionally done wrong.
4. Never think that your child is too young to obey.
5. Guard against too much severity. By pursuing a steady course of efficient government, severity will very seldom be found necessary. If, when punishment is inflicted, it is done with composure and with solemnity, then occasions for punishment will be very infrequent.
6. One great obstacle is the want of self-control on the part of the parents. If you don’t have self-control, then your children won’t either.
7. Be firm then in doing your duty invariably. Never refrain from governing your child because it is painful to maternal feelings.
8. Do not talk about children in their presence.
9. Do not make exhibitions of your children’s attainments. (Don’t brag about them.)
10. Do not deceive children.
11. Do not be continually finding fault.
12. Parents must make the Christian training of their children their own personal duty.
13. Parents must have deep Christian devotional feelings within themselves.
14. Present Christianity in a pleasant aspect.
15. Utilize appropriate occasions for teaching the children about Christ, through the day, each day.
16. Avoid introducing Christian lessons upon inappropriate occasions, such as when the child is angry or right after they’ve done wrong. Christian lessons are best presented when the child is calm and in their normal routine.
17. Make the Bible your text book in the Christian instructions of your children.
18. In teaching children from the Scriptures, aim at interesting them in the moral truths and sentiments which the narratives convey.
19. It is our privilege and duty to describe heaven to our children, as God has described it to us in His Word.
20. Next to the Bible, as a means of Christian influence, we must place the careful culture of our own hearts.
21. Dwell particularly upon the Savior in the Christian instruction of children.
22. Pray with your children.
23. Teach your children to pray themselves.
24. Expect that your child will become a Christian.
25. Do not speak to others of the piety of your child.
26. Mother to have a devotional spirit.
27. Mother to be cheerful.
28. Mother to be kind.
29. Mother to be polite.
30. Mother to have the daily effort of pleasing God in the performance of every duty, small and great.
31. Mother to guard her tongue and spirit.
32. Teach your children to cultivate purity of mind.
33. Teach your children to observe truth.
34. Teach your children to forgive others.
35. Cultivate in your children a taste for pure and noble pleasures, instead of a love of worldly gaiety.
36. Know that mothers have as powerful an influence over the welfare of future generations as all other earthly causes combined.
37. The subject of education must be attended to with persevering study.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:26-30
2 thoughts on “Rules For the Wife and Mother at Home”
Thank you! So helpful.
Thank you Lori! This is very helpful