A Day in My Quiet Life

A Day in My Quiet Life

“And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you” (1 Thessalonians 4:11).

I ponder this verse often. It convicts and challenges me. Being quiet doesn’t come naturally to most of us. We also live in a loud and crazy world. We need and crave peace and stability. I was forced to be quiet when I was 30 years old due to illness, as many of you know. I couldn’t go many places. I missed many fun events, vacations, and holidays with my family. Yet, I was always home for my children which was a huge blessing for them. With what little energy and strength that I had, I used it to train and care for my children. Now, we live in an even much noisier and tumultuous world than when I was raising my children with the advent of social media and all of the continuous bad news it brings to us all throughout the day.

Twitter especially always seems so loud. People arguing over something new every day, even Christians. I’m thankful for the boundaries God gave me to teach in Titus 2:3-5. I don’t get into all of the political arguments, although I have plenty who want to continually argue with what I teach. It’s certainly not popular in this feminist culture. I will spend some time reading the news of the day on Twitter, but it’s so easy to get addicted, worried, and anxious about the bad news of the day.

As many of you know, Laine from Laine’s Letters is in hospice. I have been reading her posts the past few days. They’ve convicted and challenged me once again. I decided to spend at least a half of an hour reading my Bible each day. I am also going to begin reading through the entire Bible. I won’t have a set plan since I like to ponder, meditate, pray, and sometimes even write out verses. So, I will take my time and chew on God’s Word. This is what transforms us! I challenged the women in a Facebook group I run and on Instagram too. Many want to take up this important, life-changing challenge. I usually read two chapters a day which sometimes takes a half an hour but now, I’m committed to doing at least a half an hour a day.

Yes, God has forced me into a quiet life. I’ve even been convicted about not being on social media so much. It’s exhausting and I love it, but it’s probably not being quiet to be on it too often. I need time to read His Word, read other uplifting books, listen to great sermons, mentor many women, write, care for my family including my many grandchildren, work on keeping my home clean and tidy, and cook healthy foods for my family and for others who may need some good food.

Last winter, our front grass looked terrible so I got an estimate for new sod. It’s was outrageously expensive, so we put sod on the small side of grass on one side of our driveway and planted seed on the large portion of grass. Well, a few months ago, I saw the weeds completely taking over the large area of grass. I decided I was going to go to battle with the weeds! I have spent an hour outside doing this for the past two months and have grown to love it! I talk to neighbors walking by. I’m grounding in soft grass in the sunshine and fresh air. It’s actually become a hobby for me. I’m also taking better care of my yard: planting new plants, making sure they’re getting enough water, spreading compost around plants, and feeding them with worm casting water. It’s fun to see the transformation in our yard with a little elbow work!

I usually have a large 1,000 piece puzzle going too. My youngest daughter always loved puzzles growing up. I have grown to love them too, when I just want something relaxing to do. Her six her old daughter helps me too. She’s just like her mama! This is an old puzzle, so I think it’s missing some pieces. I like them to fit the season. We did Summer ones all summer. Now, we’ll be doing Fall ones.

I bake sourdough bread once a week. I also make meals from scratch for my husband. I have learned to make everything he loves so much healthier. Since I am on my healing diet, it makes what I eat so easy since it doesn’t vary at all. I have all of my favorite recipes in my cookbook “The Transformed Kitchen!”

My grandchildren come over to my home several times a week. I love having them over! I read to them. Feed them good food. Take them to my neighbor’s backyard swing set. Sit outside and watch them play, cuddle with them, and have great conversations with them. They absorb truth so easily when they’re young. I absolutely love their innocence. Here’s one of the many lunches I feed them. They all love my healthy food!

I take 40 minute walks almost daily. Since I live in Southern California near the ocean, the temperature is moderate all year around so I can walk almost daily. It’s great! I usually listen to a sermon on my walk. I have loved learning from Pastor James Knox recently. He preaches truth boldly and unashamedly. I just learned that he has prostate cancer that has spread. It’s so heartbreaking!

 I now have a way for those who are interested to subscribe to my email. You can sign up here! I finally found one that was free. This blog and domain costs a lot, so I didn’t want to spend anymore money on it. When they stopped doing my old email service, I thought I probably wouldn’t be blogging for much longer any ways. Well, it seems I often have something that I want to write about! I will always love learning and teaching.

So, God in His infinite wisdom caused me to have a quiet life. I am such a homebody now. I love being home and not having to go anywhere. I attend Sunday School and church on Sundays. I shop at my health food store once a week, and Costco about every ten days. I will go to any of my daughters’ homes or DIL’s home if they need me, but that’s about it! God has taught me many things through my many years of suffering, and He continues to do so. It’s far easier for me  to keep my eyes on eternity which is glorious and forever instead of on this earth which is tumultuous and fleeting.

3 thoughts on “A Day in My Quiet Life

  1. Lori~I grew up going to Saturday seminars at churches with my mom and hearing Emile Barnes speak about Christian home making. I have her books, too. I didn’t know women like that existed any more until I found you, also, a fellow San Diegan, too. Thank you for reviving this specific type of love for me for my husband, for God, and for my adult children and grandkids. It’s been wonderful.

  2. This was such an inspiring, peaceful read. I’m so grateful to God for your example and for testifying of the ways God, in His goodness, has worked through your life, especially among the trials.

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