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Month: April 2018

Egalitarian Marriages Cause Contention

Egalitarian Marriages Cause Contention

Most couples have had arguments about their roles in marriage. Most wives want their husbands to help with the home and children. Some husbands want their wives to make money and contribute financially to the home. This usually causes a lot of conflict, especially for women who want to have careers and aren’t interested in being full-time mothers or homemakers and husbands who see dollars signs instead of the value of having a mother home full time with his children….

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Not Teaching Exceptions and What Ifs

Not Teaching Exceptions and What Ifs

God commands that I teach women to be keepers at home so this is what I will teach no matter how much backlash I receive from it. But what if a woman asks me if it is okay for her to work two days a week? I would tell her “no” since she is called to be a keeper at home as God has commanded. Let’s say she decides to work two days a week and puts her child into…

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Wives Suffering Under Patriarchy

Wives Suffering Under Patriarchy

The word “Patriarchy” has very bad connotations these days. The word simply means “the male head of a family or tribe” but feminists have fought hard to get rid of Patriarchy because of the “cruelness” and “unfairness” of it. I asked the women in the chat room this question: “Can you all share with me the pain and misery you are suffering under Patriarchy? I need to make a blog post about this to warn women of God’s ways.” Verna:…

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Sending Children to School to Be Salt and Light

Sending Children to School to Be Salt and Light

One of the main arguments for sending Christian children to public schools is so that they can be salt and light. Is this a valid argument? Here is what Lindy Johnson had to say about it. “If we are to go and be salt and light, why do parents never put their kids in Muslim schools? Those schools could certainly use some light. Why don’t they send their kids to the bars on the weekends to preach the Gospel? “And…

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