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Month: August 2024

Rules For the Wife and Mother at Home

Rules For the Wife and Mother at Home

Recently, my husband asked me to look for our car’s title. In the process, I found a file full of letters and cards my children had written to me and many other treasures. I shared one of these on social media and some asked me to make a post out of it, so this is it! May you be convicted and encouraged. It’s so easy to forget to do right. This is why we must be reminded often. I don’t…

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She Won Him Back With a Merry Heart

She Won Him Back With a Merry Heart

This letter from Laine stood out to me in reading over her writings since finding out she is in hospice. It’s about her childhood and is a beautiful picture of a wife winning her husband back after being transformed by Jesus Christ. Read it and be blessed! Dear Sisters, “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.’” Hebrews…

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Her Powerful Testimony Convicted Me

Her Powerful Testimony Convicted Me

It was just made known that Laine is in hospice. She’s about my age. She is one of the most powerful mentors in my life after Debi Pearl. I devoured her emails. I printed them all off and saved them in a notebook. She loves the Lord deeply, and this love permeated everything she wrote. Here is her powerful testimony. I pray it will bless you as much as she has blessed me. Her reward will be great!  I have…

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How to Deal With a Husband Addicted to Porn

How to Deal With a Husband Addicted to Porn

Written By Amber from One of My Facebook Groups Pornography is incredibly difficult to quit. It is a very real addiction that rewires the brain. If your husband is open to accountability software, by all means use it. We use covenant eyes. It works on all of our devices. But do not put your trust in software. No software works 100 percent of the time. There is always a way around it. If your husband is open to Christian counseling,…

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Stop Blaspheming God If You Love Him

Stop Blaspheming God If You Love Him

There are many women who claim the name of Jesus Christ who blaspheme His Word. The women who aren’t sober and sober-minded blaspheme His Word. They drink too much and get tipsy or even drunk. They allow their emotions and feelings to dictate their behavior rather than the Word of God. They don’t spend time in His Word, listening to godly preachers (men), nor attend a biblical church faithfully so they aren’t growing in the wisdom and the knowledge of…

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Women Need to Get Back Into the Kitchen

Women Need to Get Back Into the Kitchen

My grandmother grew up in a generation where most women married, bore children, and guided the home. Most of the food they ate was whole food; the way God created it and cooked from scratch. Many of them had their own gardens. My grandmother did. There were few toxic chemicals in the air back then. The land wasn’t being sprayed with toxic chemicals. The water was pure. Women weren’t on birth control pills so they knew if they had sex,…

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Lack of Virtuous Women

Lack of Virtuous Women

There was a short video of a woman in the US congress in a skimpy bathing suit. It showed some of her breasts and most of her butt as she turned around to show it off. This created a firestorm on Twitter. She’s supposedly a conservative Republican, and she fiercely defended herself among those who took issue with her doing this. She responded to one woman who criticized her for doing this by claiming this woman was jealous because she…

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Raising Well Behaved Children

Raising Well Behaved Children

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 1 John 3:4 We raised four well behaved children. Someone recently told me I brag about myself too much. Please, read my first book, “The Power of the Transformed Wife” if you believe this to be true. I share all of my weaknesses and sins in this book. Then, I share what Christ and His Spirit have done in my life to transform me, as He…

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Someone Needs to Tell Them Truth

Someone Needs to Tell Them Truth

No one ever told her that she could be a homemaker. She was taught she needed to be a high-powered career woman who didn’t need a man. I told her I sure needed a man to love, protect and provide for me, bless me with babies and help raise them, give me guidance, and enjoy life together with. I shared with her how much I loved being married, having children, and being a homemaker. She listened. She told me that…

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Male Rebels and Their Useful Women

Male Rebels and Their Useful Women

Written By Tim Bayly The Protestant church in America today is inundated by women who preach, teach, and exercise authority over men, and the men who enable this sexual rebellion. The rebellion is so broadly practiced and accepted that the church’s motto has become, “She is there, and she is not silent.” In the more conservative Protestant churches, we are pharisaical in our practice of this rebellion. We keep women out the pulpit Sunday mornings and only ordain them church…

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