Is This Church Too Extreme and Legalistic?

Is This Church Too Extreme and Legalistic?

“My husband and I have been going to a Baptist church that describes itself as ‘old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, KJV Bible-believing & preaching.’ My husband loves this church and wants us to become members, but there are a few things that have been bothering me.

The first thing, my husband met with the pastor about a month ago for lunch and the pastor was explaining their beliefs to my husband. Apparently he went on and on about how this is a men’s church, that they’ll never have a women preach ever, and that women should remain silent in church.

“The second thing, I went to a women’s event there that was about biblical femininity. But it was mostly a slideshow showing ‘good’ and ‘bad’ outfits for women to wear; the ‘good,’ being below-knee or floor length skirts, and the ‘bad,’ showing pants or above-knee skirts.

“The third thing, my husband went to church on Wednesday and the pastor asked for prayer for a sick baby in the congregation. He asked all the men to come forward to pray without asking the women to do anything.

“I’m worried that this church is too legalistic and extreme. Now, my husband loves this church so I guess I’m just asking for reassurance that these things sound okay. A part of me feels like I’m questioning them too much but I just want to be careful before deciding to trust their actions more.”

This was a comment from one of the women in the chat room and I asked her for permission to make a post out of it since this sounds like my kind of church! First of all, I love KJV. I have been reading it ever since I went to Michael and Debi Pearl’s conference nearby many years ago. Michael is a firm believer that it’s the only Bible we should be reading and makes a good case for it. I have grown to love reading this version! (I will never be contentious about this issue, however.)

The Apostle Paul was VERY clear that men are to be the leaders of the churches. They are to be the elders and deacons and women are to be silent in the church. In fact, he wrote that it is shameful for women to speak in the church so this church is simply obeying the pure Word of God which is a great thing and something all Bible-believing churches should do. Many “Christians” today, unfortunately, prefer water-downed, tickle-their-ears type of churches and teachings. Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits (Isaiah 30:10).

I would love to go to a women’s event at a church about biblical femininity! Teaching women about modesty should be something the older women of the church should be doing. If the Apostle Paul wrote this through the inspiration of Almighty God: “In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array” (1 Timothy 2:9), then elders (those ordained by God to be leaders in the church) and older women (those commanded to teach younger women to be discreet) have every right to teach women modesty standards. (Shamefaced means to not draw attention to ourselves which means dressing modestly.)

When they asked the men to come forward to pray over the sick child, the women could all easily pray quietly in the seats for this baby. This church clearly shows that men are the leaders and this is biblical.

Is this church legalistic and extreme? I asked this woman who made the comment if they teach the Word of God. She told me that yes they do. Her husband was saved in this church, they also help the sick and needy, and baptize those who become saved. We must understand that legalism is making up man-made rules. The modesty standards they have set could be considered legalistic but if the leadership wants to set them, then it is not since God has ordained them to lead. The church leaders are allowed to run their churches however they want and it’s up to those attending whether they want to attend the church or not. There is no perfect church since there are no perfect people.

This church seems extreme in our culture but I bet it is exactly how the majority of churches operated before the 1960s. The churches spoke out against birth control. All the women wore dresses below their knees. There were no female preachers in the true Christian churches. Men ran everything while women sat quietly in the pews and learned. This is the way God designed for the churches to run but most of us have been breathing the feminist air our entire lives so this seems legalistic and extreme to us, but it’s not.

If they are diligent to teach the entire Word of God, they are a good church and I would love to go to a church like this one. Someone should be setting modesty standards in our churches these days, that’s for sure! Most of the women who commented on this thread in the chat room wrote that they would love to attend a church like this one. Yes, women, there is a remnant who loves obeying all of what the Apostle Paul wrote concerning women.

Lastly and most importantly, if her husband loves this church, she needs to submit to his leadership and learn to love it, too!

Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
1 Corinthians 14:34, 35

20 thoughts on “Is This Church Too Extreme and Legalistic?

  1. Goodness, post the address for the rest of us!! That church sounds AWESOME!!! Other churches in America, please take note!

  2. No, its doesnt sound too legalistic. Its a good thing he pastor was upfronf with them. Howevee i have been to churches like that too and there were some negative aspects. Its important to watch for any ‘rules’ or ‘standards’ that are set up that arent biblical and how highly they place them. If they place them before scripture, depending on whaf it is,it may just require your husband to confront the pastor about it. Otherwise, it sounds like a good church.

  3. No church is perfect and I need to always remember that love covers a multitude of sins, but I would welcome worshipping in a church that stood firm on God’s Word. Sometimes I wonder if we confuse legalism with obedience.

  4. I’d also love a church like this one. As someone above said in their comment, many call simple biblical obedience ‘legalism’, which is so misleading. Obeying the scriptures is not legalistic but is freeing and brings glory to God.

  5. Very true words and excellent points. Thanks, Lori and all.

    May the Lord bless and keep you all,

  6. I would love to attend a church like this! We quit attending the church we had been going to because they hired a woman pastor when the current pastor left to start a new church elsewhere. Why is it so hard to find a church that teaches the true word of God?

  7. Hi, Lori!
    (I’ve been reading your posts for a couple years now, first from your old blog and now from your new, and I love your articles!)

    I would love to go to a church like that one! I love it when pastors aren’t afraid to follow what the Bible says, even if it makes them unpopular with a lot of people.

    My conviction (just as you stated) is that women need to go to whatever church their husband wants to go to (as long as it isn’t the Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons, which are a false religion).

    I once talked to a woman who I had previously admired and listened to her tell me how she was now going to a different church than her husband because she felt “oppressed” by their policy of having the women wear skirts and use headcoverings. So, here we have her husband attending his church, and she’s attending hers. My thoughts, when I heard her say this, were that she should have just went along with her husband, and followed his convictions, since he is the head. I lost all respect for her that day.

    I’m in the opposite situation; our church is less conservative than I’d like, but my husband really likes it. But, I’ve decided that wherever my husband goes, I go, and I need to be happy about it! Matrimonial unity is more important than “following one’s convictions.” Actually, following my husband’s lead IS my conviction.

    Thanks for another great article!

  8. I have known women who go to separate churches from their husbands, too, and as you have stated, Jessica, this is wrong. We must follow our husbands where they lead and worship in the same church as they do. Your husband is a blessed man!

  9. It seems to be getting more difficult, Lisa, but keep seeking and praying. Remember, there is no perfect church so find the most biblical one you can find and worship with other believers.

  10. My church is perfect because it’s the one God called my family too . ? we are called to be perfect in the bible also , something to think about.

    I moved hundreds of miles away to be in a church even more “strict” / possibly biblical than this. Within 6 months God saved and delivered my backslid – drug addicted husband , restored my broken marriage after several years of separation and taught me how to be a keeper at home. So much more I could say in that but it’s been glorious.

    We need order in our lives. Thank God for churches, pastors and men of God that will preach, teach and lead in truth. Sit down women and be quiet!

  11. I am blessed to be able to go to a church like this. We have a pastor that stands in the word of God and preaches truth.

  12. I think the word legalistic is generally used by those who do not believe that the word of God should actually impact on their daily lives. Whenever a Church actually preaches from the Bible and makes specific demands it is branded legalistic.

    I do believe that all Churches should fully involve women and children, but as women we should not take an active part in preaching. It is right that Churches should insist on modest feminine dress and equally right that it should condemn birth control – not because it is legalistic but because it follows Biblical truth.

    The choice of a Church is one for the head of the family, not for us as wives.

  13. Lori,

    My boyfriend and I are likely going to be engaged very soon. He’s expressed interest in someday joining an IFB or possibly NIFB church. What are your thoughts on those denominations?

    He’s also expressed a desire for me to eventually switch to KJV, but I’ve been reading and taking notes in my ESV for years.

    He’s asked my opinion on both these topics. Thanks in advance!

  14. Legalism looks on performance and appearances. God looks on the inside.. relationship not religiosity. We almost got mixed up in a controlling IFB Church where the children act as robots.. being controlled inside a bubble of homeschool and church. Women wearing pants is not a sin.. totally unbiblical but man made ordinances. Do the research. Your questioning is the Holy Spirit giving you discernment concerning this stifling legalism.

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