My Lukewarm Christian Experience

My Lukewarm Christian Experience

Like many Christians, I was raised in a lukewarm Christian home. My dad read us Bible stories from some Bible story books once in awhile. I never saw my parents reading their Bibles nor did they ever read it to us. They didn’t talk about the Lord often. They took us faithfully to a lukewarm church.

Then I attended a lukewarm Christian college. The OT professor taught us from a book he had written, and he didn’t believe in the inerrancy of Scripture. Some of the chapels were good. I did begin reading my Bible consistently during college and have ever since.

I was married, and we attended lukewarm churches. I attended many lukewarm Women’s Bible studies and conferences up until 10 years ago. (Thankfully, we attend a strong, biblical church now!)

About 20 years ago, I read the book “Created to Be His Help Meet” by Debi Pearl and learned what it meant to be a godly, submissive wife FINALLY! I never heard anything about biblical womanhood in any of the Bible studies and Women’s Conferences I attended. My mom didn’t teach me either. I had read every marriage book I could find but NOTHING impacted me like her book did.

Soon after reading her book, we attended a week-long conference on Hebrews nearby given by Michael Pearl. I then listened to his series on Romans and every other book he taught through. My wisdom and knowledge of His Word grew exponentially. I finally understood God’s Word and all of the doctrines in it!

I began listening to other godly preachers and learning from them. I stopped listening to all female Bible teachers and preachers. I still love learning from the few “aged women” who teach biblical womanhood like Nancy Campbell and Nancy Wilson. Yes, there’s some great young women teaching it, but they don’t have the wisdom and experience as the older women do.

My convictions come from my life experiences, godly men and women I have learned from, and from my own study of Scripture. Yes, women, read the Bible to your children daily. Have them memorize Scripture. This is what I did. I had my children listen to Michael Pearl, Paul Washer, and other great preachers when they were older to understand all of the doctrines found in God’s Word.

This is how it’s supposed to be! Young women are to be learning biblical womanhood from the “aged women” who have raised their children and have been married a long time. And we’re all to learn the great doctrines of the faith from biblically qualified men in the churches. Whenever I have a question about some doctrine being debated on social media, I ask my husband what we believe!

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
2 Peter 3:18

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