The Minefield of the Passage

The Minefield of the Passage

Some godly preachers/teachers of the Word (like John MacArthur and Carl Broggi) have called the term “keepers at home” listed in Titus 2:3-5 the “minefield of the passage.” Most won’t even teach it since it causes such angry reactions. Women will come up with all types of examples, exceptions, and reasons that God wanting young women to be keepers at home just could not be true. Entire articles have been written about all of the women in the Bible who had careers to negate this passage. Why would God command that young women be keepers at home if all these women in the Bible weren’t keepers at home?

The problem with these examples of career women in the Bible is that there are no details to prove that they were career women like today. There is no mention in the Bible of these women leaving their homes all day long, their children in the care of others, and working for a boss. There is no mention of daycares and public schools that have made it much easier for women of today to have careers. Remember, there was a lot of hard, physical work in keeping homes running smoothly back in biblical times. They didn’t have washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, running hot water, etc. No, they either were rich enough (like the Proverbs 31 woman) to own servants or they did it all themselves.

The Proverbs 31 woman is the perfect example of a career women, they tell me. The only problem was that she wasn’t a career woman. She bought one piece of land, planted on it, sewed some things at home, and sold them. There are many women today who sell things from their home to make some money but they certainly aren’t career women. Ruth picked some food for herself and her mother-in-law. This is no career woman. Lydia sold purple fabric but there is no mention of her having children or even being married. In order to say all of these women were career women like women are today takes a whole lot of filling in the untold details to do so.

The Proverbs 31 woman was known for looking well to the ways of her household and not eating the bread of idleness, not having a career and making money. She worked hard in and around her home for her family. We must zero in on God’s commands to us instead of trying to gather up examples in the Bible to negate God’s commands. Yes, there are plenty of women who worked in the Bible but there is no proof that any of them were career women as women are today. There were no daycares or public schools back then! There were no hospitals, factories, or many of the places back then where women work today and leave their homes all day long.

Yes, society is much different than it was back in biblical times but God still wants married women with children to be keepers at home. His will for us is unchanging! He wants mothers bearing and raising their children in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. He wants them training and disciplining their own children. He wants them being help meets for their husbands. He wants them working hard in and around their homes. This is the full-time career that God has given to women and it is good. It’s best for families, churches, and nations and I will keep teaching it no matter how big of a minefield it becomes and it certainly is the biggest minefield that I teach but how else are couples going to raise godly offspring if mothers don’t turn their hearts back towards their homes full time?

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:4, 5

12 thoughts on “The Minefield of the Passage

  1. Some will try to twist, bend and deny what it actually says, to suit their own agendas… Happens all the time in politics as well… Just twist the truth, or deny it! Sad isn’t it? That’s how a generation of broken families happened on the lies of radical feminism…

  2. Miss Lori, thank you for this post. You and your blogs have been a blessing in my life. I look forward every morning to reading it. Thank you again.
    Proverbs 31:26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

  3. Yes, Lori, I wholeheartedly agree with cd’s comment. I look forward to reading your encouraging posts. I desire to keep modeling Biblical womanhood and teaching ( to those who have ears to hear) it no matter how unpopular or old- fashioned it becomes. Thanks for being faithful and true to the WORK God has given us as older women.?

  4. This certainly isn’t popular teaching among today’s women. I’ve always held a job outside of the home, whether part time or full time and the whole time, I wanted to be at home, making my home happy and clean and taking care of my kids and hubby. The last 3 years, we’ve been empty nesters and I was working full-time for the last 5. I literally became a workaholic over the last 3, spending more time at my job, thinking I was doing right, making overtime pay. Giving it 110% leaving nothing for my home.” I can clean on the weekends”-( taking more time from my marriage). In reality, I was putting my husband’s needs on the back burner. For what?? Money? Doing my best for a company that can replace me tomorrow, if I died?

    Well, it almost cost me my marriage. I have since resigned and am focusing on something I’ve never really done and that is reverencing my husband. Yes, money will be tighter, but so will our marriage.

    Thank you for your blog!!

  5. Is it really so complicated ? It is quite clear that God intends the focus of a woman’s life to home, husband and children. To support her husband and to care for her children not to follow a career outside the home for her own selfish purposes or so as to detract from her primary duty as wife and mother.

    That does not mean that women cannot work in support of their family within the home under the authority of her husband, for example in tending the garden or looking after animals (as farmers wives have always done) more even in extreme cases, when necessity requires and with her husbands consent, work outside the home to support her children.

  6. Tellingly (and frighteningly), more than a few Christian women of my acquaintance have reacted extremely negatively to my broaching the idea of them working with/for their own husbands within a family business. This appears to reflect a combination of a lack of faith in their husbands as providers, a lack of submissive attitude, and their desire to compete with/contend against their husband in favor of opportunities (read: snares) offered by the temporal world. I feel for these womens’ husbands and can only imagine how miserable their marriages are.

  7. My husband and I own our own business which we run together. We each have the strengths we bring to it, and together, we make a great team. He does the bulk of it as this business was his dream, and I’m his support crew. It works well for us.

    I used to work in a different job, but it didn’t make sense to us for me to be using my skills and effort to make someone else’s business successful, when we could be making our own business successful.

    Men came achieve so much when their women are behind them, supporting and encouraging them.

  8. Spot on. Here’s another take (example 3,547):

    Study concludes that there is direct correlation between an unwed woman’s age and an unwed woman’s education level with rates of alcoholism (wine being the poison of choice, dinner parties being the choice venue).

    Eve was made to care for Adam’s needs (Gen 2:18-22). Women are called to the home, and make babies (Tit 2:3-5, Gen 1:28).
    Adam was made to care for the Creation (Gen 2:8-15). Men are called to work in the world, and provide for families (1 Tim 5:8, 2 Thes 3:10).
    When women are derelict in their duty and chase the role not assigned them, they cannot expect the result to be blessings.

    Happiness (not that I am advocating hedonism) is greatest among young, married women with a household of modest income living in the Bible Belt, even by the pagans’ metrics:

  9. Lisa, I am ever so grateful to read your exhorting comment. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience.

  10. Dear “Transformed Wife”,
    Could you explain to me the difference between a young woman and an older one? Is there, according to you, a Biblical reference to distinguish the two? I am wondering where it talks about the age of transition?
    Also – in Titus 2:3 it leaves no mention of said “older women” staying home… I’d love your thoughts on that as well.

    Grace and peace,
    Pastor Rachel

  11. Hi Rachel,

    Biblically, you should not be a pastor since elders are to be the husband of one wife and women are not to teach or be in authority over men. I am sure you know this so I hope you step down quickly from being a pastor and allow the men to lead your church.

    We get a glimpse into how old the “aged women” mentioned in Titus 2 should be and how they should have lived their lives in 1 Timothy 5. Older widows are those 60 years old (1 Tim. 5:9) and older – “well reported for good works; if she have brought up children, is she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints’ feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed ever good work” (1 Tim. 5:10). So older women should have raised their children and have the time, wisdom, and experience to teach the younger women. There’s nothing in her description about having a career. No, her life is one of service to others. Societies and families are much healthier when women are doing this instead of going after careers.

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