A Day in My Simple Life

A Day in My Simple Life

As many of you know, I have had a lot of health problems since turning 30 years old. I am 65 years old. God has taught me many wonderful things through these years of trials and suffering. I raised four wonderful children while going through many health struggles. They saw a sick mother who never wavered in her faith of God Almighty and never asked, “Why me?” I was more, “Why not me?” His grace is indeed sufficient.

I have always been an early riser. I don’t sleep that great but with all of my health issues, I need a lot of rest. I go to bed around 8:00 pm and am in bed until about 5:00 am. If I wake before then, I listen to a sermon. I get up and warm up a mug of my healing soup. This healing diet is definitely helping my gut! Then, I post some things on social media and respond to some comments. Around 7:00, I make my frozen blueberry smoothie with two cups blueberries, a half of a cup of organic coconut milk, and a scoop of beef broth protein powder. This is my favorite treat for the day!

My husband and I have devotions when he wakes up. He’s always been a night owl and wakes up later. I am the complete opposite. You can have a great marriage if you are the opposite in different areas! Then, I read a couple of chapters in the Bible on my own. I am going through Ephesians right now. Then depending on the weather which is almost always good here in San Diego, I go for my 40 minute walk. Sometimes, I will listen to a sermon while I walk. Other times, I just want it to be quiet to think and ponder things. I ponder everything! If my grandchildren are coming, I don’t walk and save my energy for them. I don’t have much energy so I try to save it for the things that matter to me: my husband, children, grandchildren, and home. These are my life!

If my grandchildren come over, I usually feed them lunch when they arrive. I make two loaves of sourdough bread to take home with them every week, but they usually eat up one of the loaves before they leave! I sometimes make sourdough pancakes for them too. They love good, healthy food and this is what I feed them. Then, I take them over to my neighbor’s backyard who has a swing set and slide where they play for an hour or two. When they get tired, we come home and put the little ones to bed. I read the older ones good books like “Little Pilgrim’s Big Journey” or the Adam Racoon books by Glen Keane. He was an artist for Disney and drew most of the main characters like the Beast in “Beauty and the Beast.” He was a neighbor, friend, and went to our church. He signed and gave us five books! I read them to my children and now, I read them to my grandchildren!

After this, I will bake something with them from my cookbook. It’s usually Emma’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars. Everyone loves them! I let them crack the eggs, measure the flour and most everything else, and stir the dough while tasting it along the way. It’s the best part! When these are done, we spend the rest of the time out in the front. I watch them play and sometimes, the neighborhood children come and join them. I’m always exhausted by the time they leave, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

If I have no grandchildren coming over, I have a lot more time on social media to write and respond to comments and private messages and emails. I am trying hard to stay up on all of these now. I didn’t in the past. I can only do so much. I will read, pull weeds, take a short nap in the sun outside, work on a puzzle, make dinner for my husband, and catch up on housework. As you can see from the picture above, I love a clean and tidy home. I don’t like much on my counters or tables. It’s less to care for and less to worry about the grandchildren breaking.

For lunch, I have two eggs with an avocado or steak with avocado. I buy one steak a week, and it lasts me a few days. It’s a huge treat for me! I eat my dinner around 4:00 since I can’t go to bed with food in my stomach. I have another mug of my healing soup for dinner. My husband and I will often watch an old Hallmark movie before they added the gay agenda to it from 2020 to 2023. I believe it was a flop since it’s no longer in their movies. He will read or fall sleep! I am too tired by then to do anything else besides just watch a show for a bit. Then, it’s bedtime at 8:00, and I listen to a sermon until I fall asleep. I love going to bed with Truth on my mind.

My life is simple. I need it to be simple due to my low energy levels and health, but God is good. I have the energy to do what is most important to me. I am so thankful for His plan of salvation, saving my soul, and the eternity I get to spend with Him and all who love Him!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17

9 thoughts on “A Day in My Simple Life

  1. What a lovely life! Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing. Will you be coming to Door County this summer?

    Hi Courtney, I am not sure yet. My health has not been great but it is improving, so I hope so!

  2. I really enjoyed reading this. I love the orderly, quiet and blessed life you are living. It’s a blessing, and an inspiration to many. Blessings to you and your family! ♥️

  3. Hi Lori!
    The back of your Transformed Kitchen book says made in Coppell, TX, so I thought/hoped you live near me in the DFW area. However, San Diego is beautiful; and it is reassuring to know California still has a few gems like you!

  4. Thank you for inspiring us to embrace the slow, simple, family-oriented, Christ-centered life. I am thriving in new ways because of embracing your teaching – based in Scripture. It is so freeing to live a godly, contented life style. Blessings to you, Lori.

  5. What a beautiful simple quiet life steeped in Gods word and love. This week I made my husband and son homemade bolognese sauce with homemade cookies and tomorrow we attend our granddaughters softball game. My diet is similar to yours and I wake up early too praying and listening to the word. Living a quiet life for God at home is the best life. Thank you for always speaking truth and encouraging us women to stay home and take care of our bodies and our loved ones. 🙏❤️🙏

  6. Hi Lori,
    I love this life you have created. It’s encouraging and inspired me. I think your beauty inside and outside radiates. I can’t wait to read your book TTW. I try to live more naturally and minimally as well, and trying to work on my own gut health. Thanks for putting a great example out there for younger women to follow. There isn’t much content out there like yours!

  7. Thank you for your content. It is encouraging for me to continue on the simple path, and embrace the life at home. I am content, however it’s sometimes a struggle and uphill battle to overcome thoughts and feelings of inadequacy and being told I lack ambitious, because I have chosen to obey God and stay home to care for the family.

    It has been 5 years since the Lord instructed me to ‘focus on the family’ – while I was applying for jobs – and since then I can honestly say I have learned how to be content – with a little or with much, and give thanks in all circumstances. I am grateful to the Lord for how simply satisfying and fulfilling this life is.
    Much love 💟

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