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Author: Lori Alexander

Being Involved With a Jezebel

Being Involved With a Jezebel

Written By Lili Rose “Musk described their relationship as “brutal” and “mind-bogglingly painful.” Despite this, Heard revealed that she still loves Musk “very much,” adding, “Elon loves fire, and sometimes it burns him.” No, Amber Heard has never loved Elon Musk or Johnny Depp or anyone else. She doesn’t understand the meaning of love. She’s a personality-disordered woman with a Jezebel spirit. The Jezebel spirit is a controlling and manipulative spirit characterized by seduction, manipulation, and dominance. It uses beauty,…

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A Biblical View of Children

A Biblical View of Children

Written By Laura Johnson “False teaching is easily identified by the fact that it is willingly received by all, and is to everyone’s liking.” John Calvin We live in a culture that is constantly testing and blurring the lines of Scripture. Because of this, it is hard to see the truth hidden behind cultural lies or half-truths. We are quick to justify our actions and claim Legalism or Christian Liberty. However, “Obedience isn’t legalism” (CS Lewis) and Christian Liberty is…

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Googling “Female Preachers”

Googling “Female Preachers”

The other day, I decided to google “female preachers” and see what came up. This is the first one that came up. Many will claim that Priscilla was a preacher or teacher in a church. Can they support this with Scripture? No. They wrote, “She is often thought…” There’s no Bible verse that supports this. This is what is told about Priscilla: “The churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla salute you much in the Lord, with the church…

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Where I Buy My Food

Where I Buy My Food

Eating organic, healthy food is expensive, but it’s worth it for your health. I decided to make a list for you of what I buy and where I buy it to help you better figure out how to afford as much as you can. It’s far better to give up some luxuries in your life so you can eat healthier. Cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are extremely expensive. It’s far better to do what you can to prevent these horrible…

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Alistair Begg Believes Women Can Preach in the Churches

Alistair Begg Believes Women Can Preach in the Churches

Alistair Begg believes women can preach in the churches. This is from his video entitled The Place and Posture of Christian Women: “‘Well, you did that thing on 1 Timothy 2 and then you had Helen Rose come to the church and she spoke on a Sunday morning, and she’s not allowed to speak on Sunday mornings because of 1 Timothy 2.’ Yes, she’s allowed to speak on Sunday mornings if the elders determined that we’d like her to. She’s…

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Gen Z Women Have Nothing to Offer a Man

Gen Z Women Have Nothing to Offer a Man

Written By TGM Ministries To the average Gen Z woman, oh how far you have fallen! The average modern Gen Z woman has, as far as anything of meaning or substance goes, absolutely nothing to offer a man. They have fallen for the scams of feminism and materialism which removes all but the slightest reminisce of value. You can blame your parents; you can blame society, or you can blame social media, but the buck stops with you! You are…

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Reasons to Remain Childfree

Reasons to Remain Childfree

Ellie Gonsalves, a model and actress, gave 178 reasons why she chooses to remain childfree to her over a million followers on Instagram. (I won’t link to her since she’s extremely immodest.) She’s insightful about all of the hard parts about bearing and raising children. It’s far from easy! None of God’s ways are easy, but they are good. Here is part of her list: 1. They are YOUR responsibility until the day you die 2. Post partum hair loss…

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The Women at His Feet

The Women at His Feet

Written By Lisa Vitello on her newsletter from long ago New Harvest Homestead “But there were standing by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister…and Mary Magdalene” (John 19:25). I lead a small women’s Bible study every week at the home of my friend Lisa. There are usually just five of us there, and we have all come to treasure the intimate bond we have developed as we search the Scriptures together. A few weeks ago, Lisa…

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Anesthetist to Full-Time Homemaker

Anesthetist to Full-Time Homemaker

This is a testimony about the transforming power of Truth from God’s Word from a wife, mother, and homemaker who once was an anesthetist! Dear Lori, Consistently reading you has radically changed my life and marriage for the better!! Where do I begin? I always wanted what you have taught, but it’s been a battle bringing it to fruition in my life!! I longed to be a wife and mother at an early age and was blessed to have a…

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When Fear Meets Faith – Love Our Husbands

When Fear Meets Faith – Love Our Husbands

By Lisa Vitello “Thus Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.” 1 Peter 3:6 Haven’t we all read 1 Peter 3 again and again – seeking for the gentle spirit, the restful demeanor, so that we might be “precious in the sight of God?” I know I have for at least the last 20 years of my married life. (I won’t say my…

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