Biology and Reality Prove What Men and Women Were Created to Do

Biology and Reality Prove What Men and Women Were Created to Do

Biology and reality clearly prove what males and females were created to do. Females have breasts, ovaries, fallopians tubes, a uterus, and monthly periods. Male and female anatomy fit together perfectly. Males produce sperm which when meet with an egg in females, produce an eternal human being. That baby immediately attaches to the breast of the female for nourishment once born.

Males’ hormones and physique make them fit to provide for and protect their families. Females’ emotional and nurturing nature make them fit to be home caring for their children and home.

This is all God’s marvelous design for us. Biology and reality prove this. No honest human being can deny this no matter how hard they try.

Yes, some will never marry and some married females will be unable to bear children. We live in a fallen, sinful world. Most of those who are unmarried and infertile will know these are afflictions, unless they’ve been so confused by our culture that they no longer understand biology nor reality.

Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
Genesis 5:2

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