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Category: Keepers at Home

The Mistress of the Household

The Mistress of the Household

Written By Mountain Housewife What are the responsibilities given to Christian wives in Titus 2 and 1 Timothy 5? In Titus 2, Paul gives specific instructions to be given to the older and younger women of the congregation: The older women likewise that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to wine, teachers of good things, that they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to…

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What is Best For the Children?

What is Best For the Children?

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6). I am frequently accused of being unloving and uncaring whenever I teach women to be keepers at home so they don’t blaspheme God’s Word (Titus 2:5). I love children. I want what’s best for them. What’s best and safest for them…

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Cars Keep Women Away From Their Homes

Cars Keep Women Away From Their Homes

The automobile has kept many women out of their homes almost as much as careers do. They are out and about shopping, eating out, running their children all over the place, going to Women’s Bible studies and conferences, and being anywhere but home. In biblical times before cars, young women had the habit of doing this: “…they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they…

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Living a Life of Simplicity and Contentment

Living a Life of Simplicity and Contentment

Recently, I shared a picture of my kitchen on my social media. I shared it because of the sun streaming through my windows in the late afternoons as the days grow longer thus showing every fingerprint, all of the dust, dirty cupboards, and making every imperfection clearly visible. It caused me to deep clean it all. Spring seems the time to deep clean and maybe this is why! The sun shows us that our homes need it. Invariably, one woman…

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Her Life at Home Pays For Itself

Her Life at Home Pays For Itself

This comment is from Kelly Anne Mabee in response to something I wrote on Facebook. Many women seem to want me to STOP teaching women to be keepers at home since either they don’t want to be home or they can’t. Many wrote that families simply can’t make it on one income. I tried to reason with them and gave all of the reasons why I won’t stop. This comment stood out as amazing to me. I hope it blesses…

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Divorce Increases Dramatically For Women in the Workforce

Divorce Increases Dramatically For Women in the Workforce

“Getting a top job dramatically increases women’s chances of divorce, even in egalitarian countries. Why isn’t it the same for men? Having a successful and enjoyable career alongside a fulfilling romantic relationship is a life goal for many of us. But even in the most gender-equal countries, finding a partnership that lasts is trickier for high-flying women than men…Female medical doctors, police officers and priests who progressed in their careers also followed the trend.” (Source) How could this be when…

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Should Married Childless Women Have Jobs?

Should Married Childless Women Have Jobs?

Written By David J. Stewart I received the following disturbing e-mail in September of 2005 … “Hi there, I am married and like being a homemaker, I like to do all the chores and prepare fresh meals. I believe that if my husband is out working he should have a meal ready when he gets home, fresh clothes, and a clean home. The only problem is that my Pastor keeps on saying that I should be out working. Okay, now…

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How Can Women Avoid Eve’s Sin?

How Can Women Avoid Eve’s Sin?

Written By Laurenlou There is one passage of Scripture I have always wondered about and have never been able to fully understand or explain. “Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety” (1 Timothy 2:15). You read that passage and you’re like what? Women saved through child bearing? There was a story of one tribe who believed this meant literal salvation so the women were encouraged to bear as many…

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The State is Raising the Children

The State is Raising the Children

Written By The Right Perspective Imagine two people. One who devotes all or most of their attention and labor to a project, and another who devotes a fraction or none at all. Which will typically produce the better result? Now replace “people” with “mothers” and “a project” with “raising children.” (The latter is the “feminist” paradigm; the inverse of the traditional as usual.) All of the female wit and labor, once devoted primarily to child rearing, being diverted elsewhere has…

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Does Keeper at Home Mean Women Must Work at Home?

Does Keeper at Home Mean Women Must Work at Home?

Whenever I teach women to be keepers at home, I undoubtedly receive many comments from women who believe that being a keeper at home doesn’t mean that women can’t be in the workforce. I checked out the commentaries of old to see what they had written about the phrase “keeper at home” in Titus 2:5. “Home duties, cares, pleasures, sacrifices of self—these God-appointed duties ought to fill the mind and the heart of the young wife. There should be no…

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