Enslaved to Sin and Selfishness Apart From Christ

Enslaved to Sin and Selfishness Apart From Christ

Hi Lori!

My name is Susan. I am 27 and married with three babies. I am just writing to thank you for your writing – first for your book, and also for your blog and twitter posts (which I see on Pinterest). I read your book and Debi Pearl’s books on marriage probably about a year ago. They greatly convicted me, stirred my heart, and helped me to begin many changes in my life, marriage, and in raising my children.

I cannot begin to describe the freedom I feel in finally knowing and understanding God’s perfect will for me as a wife and a mother. For my entire marriage and life prior, I have been totally enslaved to sin and selfishness. I am the only child of a single, career woman. I was emotionally neglected but given more than you can imagine materialistically. Let me tell you – this is an absolutely recipe for disaster in terms of character development. I could say more but it’s not necessary – I just wanted you to know how incredibly SELF-centered I have been for the majority of my life, and it truly has been total slavery.

God has truly worked a miracle in my heart through your teachings. While I am by no means perfected, God has transformed the desires of my heart. He has given me the desire to serve him wholeheartedly by submitting to my husband entirely, by learning to truly love my children, and by realizing all other pursuits are meaningless. The good work God has given me as a wife and mother is enough to fill my heart into eternity. I no longer desire the things I used to – shopping, traveling/“getting away,” scrolling on social media…everything compared to God’s perfect design seems so dead, so futile, so empty. He has poured wisdom into my heart like I didn’t know possible. It sounds silly to say now, but before reading your book and Debi’s, I truly thought hope was lost for me to change.

Now I see that God delights in the restoration of my family, and he delights in giving me wisdom and power to carry out the task for His glory alone. He has even placed the desire in my heart to have many children – something I would have absolutely scoffed at just a little over a year ago. Funny enough – we got pregnant with our third (much to our surprise) not too long after this transformation began in my heart. Her birth five months ago is what has really made me dive back into scripture and your writings to guide me deeper into this beautiful calling I have been blessed with.

I see other women struggling in many ways in marriage and a fear of having children. I am planning to begin compiling and writing my own work on this incredible topic of marriage and motherhood to give to them. I can’t wait to share what God wants to do with their marriage, and I will be sure to share your book with them as well.

Sorry for the novel, and if you’ve made it this far I am so thankful. I am thankful to have a mother figure in Christ even if just through a book and the internet.

I am so thankful for you, Lori, and I know that the Lord will bless you for what you are doing to point many women to Him and His ways. So much love in Christ,


And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

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