Fewer Young People Want Gender Equality at Home

Fewer Young People Want Gender Equality at Home

Many adults today have been negatively impacted by the feminist movement; their mothers worked full time thus they didn’t spend much time with their mothers. They were raised by strangers mostly, and/or their parents were divorced. Because their mothers worked outside of the home, there was most likely a lot of quarreling between their parents (if they had both a mother and father) about who would do what since the roles seemed interchangeable because women and men were “equal” in every way. Children who were raised in this environment are going to clearly see that it doesn’t work out for good. Most likely, they aren’t going to want to continue living a life that hurt them so much, if they are wise enough to know there is a better way and there is – God’s way!

There’s an article called Americans Don’t Want What Feminists Want and I hope it is true. Feminist Activist Sheryl Sandberg wants men to “support” women in their career goals by working less at their jobs and more on the home front so women can do less on the home front and work more at their jobs. “My goal is very clear, which is that women run half our companies and countries and men run half our homes.”

Her goal and all feminist’s goals are against God’s plan for us and this will never work as if puny humans think what they make up is better than God’s perfect design for us. God didn’t create women to be leaders. As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths (Isaiah 3:12). He created men to be the leaders with their temperament and build. He created women to be homemakers and raise children with their more emotional makeup and sensitive qualities. I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully (1 Timothy 5:14).

“A new study by the Council of Contemporary Families was released that shows fewer young people want gender equality at home! The study found an increase in the number of college-bound students who believe families are better off if men are ‘the achievers outside the home’ and women ‘handled most of the family and domestic duties.’ There has also been ‘an uptick in the number who prefer the men to be dominant.'”

These young adults see the value in a mother home full time since they didn’t have one. They know the loneliness of wanting to be with their mother so badly that it hurt, yet having to watch her leave them every day all day. They felt the insecurity of not having one person to bond with when they were children. They didn’t like it and they know it’s not right or the way it should be. They may have even gathered and played at a neighbor friend’s home where the mother was home full time and saw the difference a mother at home makes. This home smelled good from food cooking and had a warm, comfortable feel about it because mother was at home. They grew up longing for this in their own homes instead of having an overworked and exhausted mom for a few hours in the evening when she got home from work and had given all of her best energy to others.

“Unlike feminists, they recognize the significance and value of domestic life and accept that sex differences are a vital component of any good marriage.” They recognize the significance and value of domestic life for women because most of them didn’t have it and yearned for it. They want to give their children what they didn’t have. Women have found out that working full time while having children isn’t such a good idea. The young women want to be the ones raising their children, fixing them healthy meals instead of fast food often, and being there to see their babies’ first smile, first step, and have the energy to enjoy them.

Growing up, these young adults were smart enough to see that their dads were bigger and stronger and more of an authority figure than their mothers. They knew it’s a dad’s responsibility to protect and provide for them and a mom’s responsibility to nurture. Dad and Mom aren’t “equal” as the feminists tried to get them to believe and it was clearly visible to them. Feminism lied to them and all they inherited from the feminists’ corrupt philosophy was messed up childhoods without a mother to raise them and most likely not a father in the home. Of course, they aren’t going to want this for their children!

“Women have been brainwashed to believe that the absence of a titled, payroll occupation condemns a woman to failure, boredom, and even imprisonment within the confines of the home. Although feminism speaks of liberation, self-fulfillment, personal rights, and breaking down barriers, in reality these phrases inevitably have produced the opposite. In fact, a salaried job and titled position can inhibit a woman’s natural nesting instinct and maternity by inverting her priorities so that she almost inevitably experiences failures in her life in the arena that should be most important, that is, in the fashioning of an earthly shelter for those whom she loves most and in the rearing of her own children.” (Dorothy Patterson)

“The younger generation isn’t interested in what women like Sheryl Sandberg and Gloria Steinem are interested in.” Thankfully.

The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: He maketh the devices of the people of none effect. The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations.
Psalm 33:10, 11

2 thoughts on “Fewer Young People Want Gender Equality at Home

  1. I’m so glad that I found your website. I’m a stay at home mother and I’m so tired to be labelled, directly or indirectly, as a parasite of society. Like I have a problem for not sending my child to daycare 10+ hours a day.
    It’s so refreshing to hear a different points of view. Thanks!

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