Winning Her Adulterous Husband After Ten Years!

Winning Her Adulterous Husband After Ten Years!

One woman shared the pain she was in because her husband was having an affair. She’s understandably devastated. Another woman responded to her. She had an adulterous husband who had left her for ten years. This was how she responded to the suffering woman:

“I have been where you are and it is devastating. My husband and I are back together after ten years of him being away from God. It’s a traumatic thing to go through but also a beautiful journey learning things of God that can only be learned through this. It’s beauty out of the ashes. I would never want to not have learned what I have.

“Don’t dwell on anything your husband says or does. Constantly look at Christ and what He can do and the husband He is to you at this time. I constantly looked to God and brought every deep pain and fears to God. Don’t dwell on the negative and what ifs. Your husband is in Satan’s prison right now, and God has chosen you to stand in the gap on his behalf to see him set free.

“I know it looks so impossible…but GOD!!! Don’t let positive or negative things get your hopes up. Keep an even expectation in God’s timing and power. My husband would say and do things that would get my hopes up (even saying he wanted to come back), and I was devastated when nothing happened. Then negative things he said would make me feel hopeless. I was a roller coaster for a few years. Then God taught me to keep my eyes evenly on His power and timing and not get my hopes up or down according to my husband. What God speaks is truth and not the whims of humans. Praying scriptures and specifically is your literal weapon. Praying much for you.”

This woman lived out 1 Peter 3:1,2. She won her husband without a word by her godly behavior. She knew what was at stake. Not only her husband’s eternal soul, but the lives of her children who needed their father. I have seen pictures of them since he has returned. They are beautiful! The children are thankful and happy. It was worth the spiritual battle and suffering that she went through. Yes, it was hard and painful, but oh, so worth it.

Women, no advice can be more powerful and effective than God’s. Never discount His instructions to you. He loves us, and His ways are best. I am sure many told her to divorce him, since she had “biblical” reasons to do so. However, she remained steadfast in her commitment to her marriage vows. Now, she is so thankful that she did. We are promised tribulation and suffering on this earth, but as we suffer for Jesus Christ, good will always come from it. He rewards those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6), and we are promised that we will reap what we sow. Put on His full armor and remind yourself that it’s a spiritual battle. Satan would love nothing more than to tear your marriage apart. Do all in your power with God’s strength to not let him.

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
1 Peter 3:1,2

***Yesterday, I made a video sharing the testimony of four women who have won back their adulterous/disobedient husbands. They are all testimonies of the power of 1 Peter 3:1,2; God’s prescription for women.

8 thoughts on “Winning Her Adulterous Husband After Ten Years!

  1. This is so powerful. Thank you!
    Reading this has given me so much hope.
    I need to learn to rely more on God and not let my husband’s nasty words hurt me.

  2. It would take an incredibly strong woman to do this. Some would say foolish. But ultimately, it’s between, you, your husband and God. I consider myself extremely lucky in my 37 year marriage!

  3. What a beautiful testimony of a wife completely surrendered to Jesus and His Word! She fulfilled her role as wife and mother “as unto the Lord” and she was rewarded for her faithfulness to Him and His Word. Thank you for sharing this!

  4. This is true when it’s the wife who is the adulterer as well. Husbands should stay the course and look to God, even if it means they must be celibate for ten years till their erring wife returns. Marriage is sacred!

  5. I agree with you Jim. My father is in this situation. It’s been 23 years now, and my father has remained single, celibate and faithful, praying daily for his wife’s return. I don’t think it will ever happen – dad is dying of heart failure and my mum seems pretty settled with her life, but Dad’s faithfulness has always been an encouragement to me.

  6. Thank you for your comment to Jim, KAK. Even if your mother doesn’t return to her father, God’s Word is not void – look how the fire of your father’s faith is helping keep your own fire lit. What a wonderful reminder to us all – and now your light has spread a light to me! How abundant are God’s graces! 🙂

  7. On year 28 of our marriage my husband revealed he had been having affairs for 14 years. He finally found the love of his life and was leaving me for her. Apparently she was a lost and vulgar woman and my husband was determined it was God’s will to lead her to Christ so she didn’t go to Hell. I was devastated. I realized our whole marriage had been based on lies and manipulation. I always thought my husband was an amazing man of God and it was I who lacked faith. For the first 10 days I fasted. God downloaded to me how I was to conduct myself. I always believed in being submissive and strived for it but God took me to a whole other level. 202 days of Hell is what I call my ordeal. My friends, parents and my kids all walked away from me because I wouldn’t leave him. I was alone just me and God. At the end of it Jesus had the victory as my husband repented and turned from his wicked ways. He went for spiritual counseling, he is transformed. It’s been a journey as I learn how to do daily life with a man who is the exact opposite of what I’m used to. It’s been 3 years and I’m still working through the trauma I’ve endured but our marriage is blessed, our kids are close and I’ve experienced first hand doing spiritual battle with our Lord guiding me all the way.

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