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Category: Health

When People Were Thinner

When People Were Thinner

Look at this picture. It was taken in the 50s or 60s. I am not sure. But there are a few things to notice in it. People were far thinner back then, and women dressed much more modestly. Obesity rates among adults in the US in 1950 was 10 percent. In 2020, it was 42.4 percent of adults. It has increased 26 percent just since 2008. Learning to eat in moderation is greatly needed in this country. Up to 80…

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Feed Your Family Healthy Food

Feed Your Family Healthy Food

There’s an ER doctor who wants all of his nurses to get the Covid vaccination, but 50 percent refuse to get it. They’ve been taking care of Covid patients for the past year and a half and have seen that those dying from it are mostly obese and unhealthy. They don’t trust the vaccine. The doctor said that he can’t look those nurses in the eye and tell them that they’re safer with the vaccine than without it, since the…

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Wanting a Sunny Home

Wanting a Sunny Home

When looking for a new home, the first thing I looked for is a sunny home. I wanted a home with a western or southern exposure. I like a lot of sunlight in my home! It makes the home cheery. Homes that face the north have hardly any sun in them. I wouldn’t want a dark home. (I love a sunny church too, which we now attend! Truth is also preached boldly.) Florence Nightingale was a nurse from long ago….

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Staying Healthy During Pregnancy

Staying Healthy During Pregnancy

“Hi Lori, After a long time trying, the Lord has blessed my husband and me with our first child. As you are a wise, God-fearing woman whose judgement I trust, I’m writing to you ask if you have any advice for this pregnancy or any resources you would recommend I read. Lily” Hi Lily, For pregnancy, you simply need to eat as healthy as you can. I would recommend not using anything toxic to clean with or putting anything toxic…

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Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Written By Ken Alexander Anxiety and panic attacks are awful and debilitating. I thank God that although I have had great stress and anxiety, He helped me cure most of it about 15 years ago. As I look back on my life, I see so many ways that God has led me. Even as I feel I am in control and moving myself forward with my own plans, yet God is working through my life and circumstances to grow me…

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Doctors, Drugs, and Demons

Doctors, Drugs, and Demons

My mom grew up in a church where doctors, drugs, and demons were synonymous. Her mom raised seven children without ever taking them to the doctor. Her home remedy for almost everything was warm water with fresh lemon and honey. Then my mom married a doctor. She developed ulcerative colitis when I was very young. She went to a doctor who put her on only “white food” and steroids, and told her that there was no cure. She grew sicker….

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Sperm Count is Dropping Dramatically

Sperm Count is Dropping Dramatically

The NYT has an article entitled “What are Sperm Telling Us?” Here are some quotes from the article: “Sperm counts have been dropping; infant boys are developing more genital abnormalities; more girls are experiencing early puberty; and adult women appear to be suffering declining egg quality and more miscarriages…Four years ago, a leading scholar of reproductive health, Shanna H. Swan, calculated that from 1973 to 2011, the sperm count of average men in Western countries had fallen by 59 percent….

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Harming Our Immune Systems?

Harming Our Immune Systems?

The things people have been forced to do or are willingly choosing to do to fight this virus are counterproductive in many ways. The way that we fight viruses, illness, and disease is through our immune system. Slathering toxic hand sanitizers all over us, spraying everything with toxic disinfectants, and wearing masks are all counterproductive to having strong and healthy immune systems. The entire mask wearing thing always seemed wrong to me. How can breathing in one’s own breath be…

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The Epidemic of Shingles

The Epidemic of Shingles

As many of you know, I had shingles during the first two weeks of December. It is not fun at all! Many describe the pain from shingles as the worse pain they’ve ever experienced. Recently, I found an article called “Chicken Pox Vaccination Associated with Shingles Epidemic.” “New research published in the International Journal of Toxicology (IJT) by Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D., reveals high rates of shingles (herpes zoster) in Americans since the government’s 1995 recommendation that all children receive…

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Our Time is in His Hands

Our Time is in His Hands

Yesterday, I found out that my brain tumor is growing again. It was disheartening news to say the least, but I do know that my time is in His hands (Psalm 31:15). God is good and His plan for me is good regardless of what that means for me (Romans 8:28). It’s been an almost 17 year journey with this pesky brain tumor now. It began when I was 45 years old when I had my first brain surgery. They…

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